The Boat Shoe Beat: The Return

After a very long hiatus and some much needed R&R, I’ve decided to return to this comfy little corner of the Dissident Right, albeit the Southern-fried contingent, and under a new moniker. In my absence, since around the summer of 2019, there has been nothing but turmoil inflicted on Heritage America and Dixie. In addition, the old Alt-Right has mostly disappeared and now only remains in the nether regions of Twitter. Replacing the Alt-Right, beset by a gaggle of ne’er-do-wells and e-celebrity charlatans, is the emerging “Dissident Right.” Despite the many horrors and setbacks of 2020, I’m pleasantly surprised to see a new crop of dissidents on the Right, and these same folks seem immune to the booby traps that bloodied the Alt-Right.

On top of all that, we also had the worst election fraud in U.S. history. The transformation to a Third World country (with credit cards) is practically complete at this point. We’re now well on our way to living in a banana republic with dysfunctional crime-ridden cities, openly corrupt politicians, and invasive anarcho-tyranny. Who last year would have thought we’d be required to wear face muzzles in private and public places? Not only is the country becoming a decidedly more depressing place, but we’re constantly hounded by the media, NPCs, tyrannical governors, and Globohomo to “stop the spread!” If that means absolutely crushing the middle-class economy and forcing us to live in a dystopian nightmare, then so be it (per the “elites”).

Last weekend, we saw the continuation in the rising rightwing pushback, in the form of the Proud Boys and others, against antifa thugs and general lawlessness that has plagued 2020. I admire the bravery and courage of the Proud Boys in defeating the black clad leftists in the streets (the Proud Boys, more or less, win most street brawl engagements), but I do worry about the Deep State’s desire in utterly smashing them. Normie conservatives and Trump supporters need a defensive tool to stop antifa aggression. The Proud Boys most certainly fit the bill – which is why the Establishment will likely ensure that they are destroyed via leftist prosecutors and unethical federal law enforcement.

See, you no longer live in a “free country.” You can be fired from your job for wearing a MAGA hat and posting it on social media. Mutter the wrong thing in public, and be filmed by a leftwing tattletale, and you could be fired and/or visited by the media apparatchik – good luck finding a job after that. At the end of practically every legislative session, more of your freedoms are stripped away due to a feminized nanny-state. Meanwhile, antifa can engage in totally blatant illegal behavior and their charges almost always get immediately dropped. Our hack politicians berate the citizenry to “stay at home” and institute Soviet-tier social oppressions; at the same time, they flagrantly disregard their own ivory tower edicts. It is, by definition, widespread anarcho-tyranny, nepotism, and political hypocrisy, only massively gayer than Sam Francis could have ever imagined.

Ultimately, it’s only going to get worse. Once an institution falters and begins to fail, there’s no way of saving it. We’re not returning to 1980s Reagan America. Hell, 2010 seems quaint compared to the Current Year. What we can expect is a further degradation of Old America and everything that made her special, including Dixie. With most of the Confederacy’s physical memory destroyed, and with zero defense from the GOP, the Left will easily and swiftly move on to the Founders. The GOP will do nothing, since the Founders were slave-owners and the Republicans worship Lincoln. That’s okay, though. The iconoclasts will move to Lincoln sure enough and the gutless GOP will fold like a cheap suit.

It’s has been said (and written) here many times before, but we’re at the point where “secede in your mind” is no longer a quirky recommendation. Rather, it’s a necessary prescription for your mental state. The American Empire has become simply intolerable. Also, push legal secession far and wide, it’s the only answer and Texas hopefully will be the first domino.


  1. Well somebody working at it!!

    South Carolina Bills Would Take Steps Toward Treating Gold and Silver as Money

    The bill is clear enough:

    The South Carolina House would take important steps toward treating gold and silver as money instead of commodities, and would set the stage to undermine the Federal Reserve’s monopoly on money.

    Rep. Stewart Jones (R-Laurens) filed all bills on this matter.

    House Bill 3377 (H3377) would make gold and silver coins legal tender in the state. Under the proposed law, “gold and silver coins minted foreign or domestic shall be legal tender in the State of South Carolina under the laws of this State. No person or other entity may compel another person or other entity to tender or accept gold or silver coin unless agreed upon by the parties.”

    Practically speaking, this would allow South Carolina residents to use gold or silver coins to pay taxes and other debts owed to the state. In effect, it would put gold and silver on the same footing as Federal Reserve notes.

    The phrase, “unless agreed upon by the parties” has important legal ramifications. This wording reaffirms the court’s ability, and constitutional responsibility according to Article I, Section 10, to require specific performance when enforcing such contracts. If voluntary parties agree to be paid, or to pay, in gold and silver coin, South Carolina courts could not substitute any other thing, e.g. Federal Reserve Notes, as payment.

    South Carolina could become the fourth state to recognize gold and silver as legal tender. Utah led the way, reestablishing constitutional money in 2011. Wyoming and Oklahoma have since joined.

    Three states have already passed such bills: Utah, Wyoming, and Arizona. Texas is in the process of establishing a bullion depository.

  2. Funny enough SF just passed some bill to strip school names of any of the founders and Lincoln.
    I don’t think there will be any secession. Our “leaders” are absolutely and completely part of the corrupt ones, from dog catcher to president. This election was more about revelation of the method than getting trump out. The TPTB are on a roll without much resistance. Persecution will be coming for those who rebel. The good news is that this evil isn’t sustainable. It’s suicidal and after it implodes it’s possible that there will be a remnant who rebuilds. Leftism, in whatever flavor, is only a destructive movement. It never builds anything so hopefully it will be short lived.

  3. Secede in your mind is great advice. Understand that this is an undeclared war going on, and has been for the last 100 years. We are just realizing it now because they have the clear upper hand after years of working their way into the seats of power and/influence.

    Become the “gray man” and “gray family”, and let the Left focus on devouring each other, as hatred for us is really all that unites these disgusting beings into an unholy alliance. Wage the easy small battles that are winnable and virtually undetectable, like putting a end to spending your money on buying their worthless cheap consumables and propaganda “entertainment”.

    Focus, instead, on buying only food and other necessities, and keeping your mind clear. Every dollar not going to them is a victory.

    And, keep your sanity, and spirits, up for the dark path ahead. Build connections, walk among nature and understand that there is a higher power, don’t use or abuse alcohol and drugs, and love your family.

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