We’ve Never Been on the Same Page

Something doesn’t need to make sense to be entertaining. Indeed, most things humorous are incoherent. They’re downright hysterical when large groups of people find them compelling. That’s pretty much how I feel what could be loosely defined as the “we da real Jews” movement.

Their ADL profile is a rather boring source of information and about as disingenuous as any of ours. Their FB pages are much more fun. Combing through them, it’s easy to identify a few over-arching themes.

The first is melanin, the divine substance infused into their bodies by the creator. It’s the distinction conferred upon his chosen people and endows them with a variety of miraculous abilities. In particular, the capability to perform great intellectual feats. From the Black Hebrew Israelite Philosophy page:

Melanin is also what gives us intelligence. Ancients Bantu Hebrews mastered the universe to a very high level, they discovered that we, the Bantu people of Africa- Hebrew Israelites had an innate intelligence that could be measured as being equal to the geometrical angle of the earth = 360 degrees. Melanin is the key to the Highest powers in Heaven. AHAYAH(God) and the Angels has Melanin in their bodies

The obvious truths expounded upon by the movement seem inscrutable to whites due to our lack of melanin. This leads to them to accuse jealous white people of trying to steal their essence, presumably through some sort of process like the one depicted in Soylent Green.

The thought process that makes cities burn.

The polite way of referring to us would be as “the non-melaninated peoples” without referencing our satanic origins. Less so would be the term “cave beasts,” which alludes to the period we lived in caves after being mutated into existence. The epidemic of whites murdering blacks is rooted in the lack of empathy developed by creatures living an animalistic existence underground. 

They’ve got some great outfits.

Before we were imposed upon them as a divine punishment, they proliferated across the planet. One of the reasons that stuff like this throws white people off is that we don’t have the capability to reconcile the various timelines. Although most of us are familiar with the black builders of the pyramids, there’s a fascinating hidden history to read up on. For instance, here’s a post on the British Isles:

The Black Kings of England and English Language is Bantu(African) Hebrew Language: the Royal House of anicient England, And Scotland were Bantu Africans-Hebrew Israelites. the Kings that ruled were Black men. they were from the Lineage of Zerah Lineage of the Tribe of Judah. this Hebrew-Bantu men formed The English Language from Hebrew Language. so English Language is an Bantu African Dialect. and Original Knights of England were called Knights, because their skin colour were as dark as Night.

One can get far better insight into a mob of enraged black people pillaging a city from this stuff rather than the Letter from Birmingham Jail. If that could placate black people, we’d be living in a utopia rather than a tinderbox. The demographic that sincerely believes in a nonexistent campaign of racist murder against them loves the “we da real Jews” ideology for the same reason.

It shouldn’t be a surprise that this is what black people find authentically appealing. The notion that they were kings and will be so again after Christ returns to enslave the white race sounds way better than the MLK platitudes that naïve white liberals were led to believe animated black movements. They were written by his handler, Stanley Levison, in order to help them rationalize why it was bad to take their own side.

My point here is that they need to listen to what black people have to say rather than cherry picking things that fit into an intellectual framework meant to brainwash them because black people never bought into that nonsense. Instead, they buy into this sort of nonsense.

Imagine getting genuinely shocked by this.


  1. lol. yeah the bowties have some tall tales as well.. back in the 00’s i read their clarion call… beyond wacked!

    hail, hale, and hell yes
    luv y’all

  2. Riding a Cushman said:
    December 7, 2020 at 10:16 am https://identitydixie.com/2020/12/07/men-on-the-fringes/#comment-6418 ::
    yes, great …a necessary understanding… However, what is the strategy you are going to use to build back the agrian political economy and a family centered society not based around “antiquated farm equipment”?

    To understand what I’m asking, read Michael Cushman’s book “Our Southern Nation” and his discussion on how the Southern societies of Dixie were established and based around the “logic” necessary for sugar cane plantation and production, and also deriving from our classical Greek and Roman political and philosophical inheritance in the appearance and social form of the American South; that became the upper-most arm of a multinational plantation-based society centered around the West Indies and stretching southward to Brazil, aka “the Golden Circle”. How the “logic” of Sugar cane production created the distinctive cultural, religious and political traits that have become a part of what makes Southerners a particular people in the ethnic sense.

    How do we go forward as a distinct South ethno-nation’s who no longer are involved in sugar production ((except as small portion of Florida corporate sugar production) nor much else in “cash crop” production. How much is “free-trade”, “mercantilism” and usury at the base of that old Southern multinational plantation-based society system of which Dixie was a portion?

    Our people having embracing its own classical inheritance (Greek and Roman), now being expunged from our consciousness via the propaganda schools of globalist Empire, and our inherited political visions which have been passed down within the Southern tradition, contemporary Southern nationalism must return perhaps to it’s classical inheritance and politcal philosophy (see Plato and Logos/Dharma, aka cosmic and natural law) to escape the current globalist religio-political-economy monocultural trap…

    Symbol of Golden Age says:
    December 13, 2020 at 8:53 pm
    Crescent and Star (See Palmetto State flag and link below) as discussed in Cushman’s book:: The design dates back to the 4th century BC, and was continuously used throughout history. The meaning seems to have been lost. It had nothing to do with religion. It was simply the concept of creating a Golden Age.. …

    CONFEDERATE FIRST NATIONAL FLAG, RARE CRESCENT STAR FORMATION, FEBRUARY-APRIL 1861 :: http://p2.la-img.com/397/67269/34223050_1_l.jpg




    As the Italian professor Raimondo Luraghi pointed out in his book
    “ The rise and fall of the Plantation South”, https://archive.org/details/risefallofplanta0000lura ,
    that the classical traditional seigneurial system of civilization that the historic Southern Nation ascribed too preceded the use of, and was not dependent on the use of “antiquated farm equipment”. However, feudalism is no panacea either nor usury capitalism and “mercantilism” unless you are bent on building multicultural empire again …
    again what is the Southern Nationalists strategy to forge the Ethnic Model for a sovereign agrarian traditional family centered non-serf, non-slavery, Dixie ?

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