
The Landmass Times: The Symbol of the New South

It finally happened; the Radical Left finally got its wish after all these years. All it took was the passing of a generation under the unbreakable control of the Republican Establishment. The historic and recognizable 1894 Mississippi Flag has now been changed to the far inferior Magnolia Flag.

The vote which took place, as with the national presidential election, is mired in shenanigans when viewed closely. Instead of allowing the residents of the state to choose a new flag, the GOP establishment simply decided to put one flag on the ballot and ask “yes” or “no.” This is an old trick and effectively means that only one choice was allowed. The average person lacks the agency to make a decision outside of bubbling the first choice when the vote is not in regards to a high profile election, such as a presidential election.

To further work in the Establishment’s favor, Mississippi utilized the Dominion voting system, the system responsible for much of the recent voter fraud. While a flag change may have been supported, it makes little sense that it was supported by a 70%-30% margin when considering the state’s stable population, lack of newcomers, previous supporters of the flag in 2001 still being alive, and general lack of popularity of the Magnolia Flag.

2.7 million votes switched and hints Dominion Whistleblowers came forward?  « JoNova

Fortunately, a movement initiative, Let MS Vote, is currently underway with what appears to be success and support. Despite everything, this movement could lead to a legitimate flag vote choosing from multiple flags including the 1894 flag, but it needs to continue garnering support. Another positive is that 30% of the population voted “no” on the Magnolia Flag despite everything the GOP rigged in favor of it. Even Chris McDaniel is still supportive of the idea.

As stated in previous editions of TLT, the GOP will continue into irrelevance as the communists seize control. The GOP has consistently done more to enable the Left than halt it, and it has been the primary purveyor of the anti-1894 Flag movement. There is also its responsibility for the communist Civil Rights legislation of the 1960s, massive tidal wave of immigration starting in the 1980s, banning of automatic firearms in 1986, and the removal of Southern imagery from public view throughout the 21st century. Not a recipe for success in the slightest, and multiple elections indicate a collapsing support for the party.

Unbeknownst to the Left, there is a positive for the Right in this flag situation, should the Magnolia Flag be set in stone. The Magnolia has long been a symbol of secession and Caucasian solidarity. As written in an unrelated article, the Magnolia once stood as a controversial image, signifying Southern Caucasian identity, secession from the United States in 1860, and is even the symbol used by Identity Dixie.

Let us hope for the best on the Let MS Vote initiative.


  1. My old , original Mississippi flag. with the Confederate battle flag the main component, remains on the rear window of my 4 wheel drive Dodge pickup. The CSA tag adorns the front. How do ya like that. Mississippi liberals and country club Republicans?

  2. Years and years ago I received a “survey” from the GOP in which all sorts of multiple choice questions about “Republican initiatives” and policies and blah blah were posed. Of course the idea was for me (and everyone else who received the survey) to mark one of the pre-written answers to each question (a, b, c, or d) so that the GOP could tally it all up and say “this is what our voters want.” I despise multiple choice questions to start with because, well, you know, the problem with them is always that, as you intimate in the article, they don’t give you enough choices. So what I did in that case was write in in bright red ink “e” with a little box to check under every question, along with the answer, “not enough choices,” checked “e” on every question, and promptly sent the survey back as requested. Of course doing so accomplished literally nothing, but I did have a lot of fun with it in any case. Plus, I never received another survey like that from the GOP again, so I guess there is that.

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