
The Landmass Times: Domain Seizure is Eminent

For years, the Virginia Flaggers spearheaded the resistance against the Radical Left’s attacks on Confederate imagery in the Old Dominion. Formed in 2011, the Flaggers continue to garner moderate success in ensuring the appearance of the Rebel Flag within the public domain of Virginia. Unfortunately, the group now faces a series of setbacks and hurtles created by the quasi-Soviet government of contemporary Virginia. One major point of contention as a result of the actions of the Flaggers became the establishment and recalcitrant flying of a large Rebel Flag along I-95 on privately owned property.

Once an idiosyncratic bulwark of conservatism within the Upper South, Virginia’s General Assembly now sits as arguably the most liberal of all former Confederate states. This is the same state which once passed and enforced a series of gratuitously harsh eugenic and racialist pieces of legislation, which included the Sterilization Act of 1924 and Racial Integrity Act of 1924. Though reprehensible in some respects, the nature of the state stood as both connected to the Old South while embracing elements of the New South and contemporary American racialist policies.

This cannot be stated of the current Virginia. Dominated by a Radical Left General Assembly and led by a limp wristed, weasel Governor who relentlessly works to undo his outing as having once worn blackface, the state recently found a means through which to remove the “troublesome” Confederate Flag off of I-95 in Stafford County. Claiming to be a construction project, the state government implemented an expansion of the interstate’s zoning and had the flag quickly removed, temporarily replacing it with an American Flag and a Gadsden Flag. In other words, the state implemented eminent domain for the sole purpose of removing the flag. To be fair, the Flaggers will receive compensation for the seizure of their privately owned land.

Eminent domain is one of those tricky little things the government does which, while appearing blatantly unconstitutional, is a bit of a legislative grey area. That never stopped President Franklin D. Roosevelt from using it to displace Appalachians though. The government has now resorted to simply seizing the property of their constituents in order to suppress their genuine First Amendment rights. All of the monuments currently being established by Sons of Confederate Veterans and other pro-South organizations will ultimately be subject to this misuse of power, and the GOP will blitheringly support it every step of the way. Yes, this also includes the newly opened Confederate History Museum in Elm Springs, Tennessee. Meanwhile, the Right does nothing. This trend will continue and the Right will do absolutely nothing.

As of the writing of this piece, the election is tomorrow. If Trump wins, the riots continue and nothing is done to stop them. The Left will only exert its will within lower institutions and local authorities as with the aforementioned story from Virginia. Should Biden win, Communism may soon follow. Regardless of outcome, the future will continue to get worse and the Right will do everything in its power to not do anything.

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