A gentleman must follow the dictates of discretion. Regarding rendezvous with male prostitutes, he must exercise caution that they not occur under broad daylight in an urban cemetery. Moreover, his badge from the DA’s office belongs in the glove compartment, not around the neck.
If the encounter concludes in a Mexican Standoff, his reputation warrants priority. His interests would be best served by handing the money carried on his person rather than shooting dead the counter party in the involuntary transaction.
Philly DA Larry Krasner should pony up a bit of cash for my consulting. Upon assuming office in 2018, after a campaign funded by George Soros, he fired the entire prosecutorial staff without so much as a single meeting or citation of malfeasance.
They were replaced by a new team of “criminal justice reformers,” such as his policy advisor Dana Bazelon who was arrested for abandoning her toddler in a parked car this spring. Things haven’t exactly been going smoothly in the City of Brotherly Love. Over 400 murders have occurred so far this year. There’s also the latest rioting which might easily swing the PA evil orange.
The brotherly love referenced above occurred last week. The gentleman involved was one of Krasner’s gun violence counselors. Prior to the incident, DeVonte’ Douglass had received national attention for his efforts.
Douglass solicited the decedent, Vernon Harris, on Instagram. He’s got the usual criminal CV. A brief online investigation into Mr. Harris would’ve revealed that after performing whatever unspeakable act, he was likely to rob his client.
He was clearly not someone in search of repeat customers, which seems odd in this particular case since Mr. Douglass had agreed to pay $500. That’s a princely sum in the badlands of Philly. Although I’ve never contracted such services myself, I suspect it represents a considerable premium over the going rate.
That’s where the credibility of the story breaks down. I don’t doubt that Krasner would hire a gun violence counselor who ends up shooting a prostitute dead. Moreover, it’s entirely plausible that his compensation would be enough for him to afford $500 dollars for 5 minutes of homosexuality.
Legally speaking, this is pure speculation for entertainment purposes and not an accusation of any kind against any specific individual. But, what I’m saying is that if you’re a fan of vigilante cinema as exemplified by Death Wish, it provides a better explanatory narrative for a caper like this one.
Is it such a stretch to believe that a criminal justice reformer got fed up with sky rocketing crime and decided to go off the reservation? One can’t be at the reform game for very long before realizing that another semester at Con College isn’t going to do a miscreant any good.
People tend to focus on what they know, and if what he knows is men whom he pays for homosexual acts, wouldn’t they be the first criminal element to start getting plugged full of holes?
What does $500 dollars matter if the target is actually going to be paid in lead? Perhaps it was only to lure him to the place of execution.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.