I worked in supermarkets for 38 years. For that entire time, coffee sales were dominated by two brands: Maxwell House and Folgers, fairly crappy blended coffees which enjoyed huge TV advertising pushes in the 1970s and early 1980s. At any given time, cheaper, better, more pleasing coffees could be found on the same shelves, such as Columbian coffee, Italian and Puerto Rican espresso and store brand coffee packed by the same makers of the two leading brands.
In the early 1980s, these two TV coffees commanded 90% of sales.That has steadily dropped as quality high end coffees have been introduced. However, long after the TV advertising pushes that made these crappy coffees the king and queen of the grocer’s coffee section, they still command as much as half of coffee sales in many markets.
A friend of mine recently discovered that generic dollar store coffee is much better than the two big brands and cheaper. Then I bought him 9 bricks of 6 ounce Café Morro Puerto Rican espresso for a dollar a piece and he couldn’t believe how much better it was than the TV brands.
Advertising and branding works. It is our religion and has zero to do with product quality. Millions of Americans spend a dollar more a gallon for Sunny Delight orange drink than for orange juice, based solely on advertising and branding.
Most Americans are nothing but consumers, just mouths served by minds that transfer consumption commands from the media programmer to the body. Americans have long been addicted to blended products with a lack of quality and distinction as a reflection of the will of the true ruling class—the advertisers. This is a long-lived affliction. I recall seeing the many ridiculous caricatures of African American people from past advertisements, which was an obviously effective attack on that people’s self-image, shades of which remain with us as many leaders of these formerly maligned people insist their folk cannot prosper through work like others have.
Some people find it dismaying that European Americans have an almost universal self-loathing for their men and that it is common courtesy in America for a so-called “white” man to apologize for the condition of his birth, even if he was the son of a high school dropout who died in poverty. One need only look at commercial advertising, which targeted the female, for the fact that she controlled most spending. Since I was a child, most advertising depicted men like me as fools. Now they are all depicted as fools and goofs unless they are being directly marketed to for erectile dysfunction medication.
Advertising media has reduced the attention span of the American until he is an idiot by medieval standards and most often incapable of self-teaching. Such attention reduction and audio-visual conditioning prepares the American Retard to be imprinted heavily by fictional dramas and to practice confirmation bias when passively consuming news. For instance, virtually all TV bad guys are depicted as bad guys, and in comedies and family dramas as fools. In fact, as I proof this article out loud, my Land Lady, who was a school teacher before she quit in dismay, informs me that her lesson plans were mandatorily structured in 10 minute activities to cater to decreased student attention span “dictated by an assumed reduced attention span due to media and video game consumption.”
I have conducted numerous studies of friends and family members consuming various forms of audio visual media and have observed an acute inability to perceive reality and a pronounced tendency to transpose imprinted fantasy over observable reality. Look around you, wherever you might be while you take in your next TV or radio spot and realize that you are surrounded by people who have been rendered immune to reality.
The war for the American conscience is long over. The best one can do is attempt to preserve an alternative to utopia in some quiet corner of the hysterical world.

James is a full-time writer, part-time coach and part-time wage slave with an extensive history of brain trauma. Check out: http://www.jameslafond.com/
Very apropos on the Consumer Retard. From products to politics, and their very sense of identity and mannerisms. Western Civilization is largely populated by people with an external locus of reference.
“… and many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system they will fight to protect it.”
– https://youtu.be/lnw_emcvrPs
..Most Americans are nothing but consumers, ….
THIS X1000.
A frequent advertisement during the Kevin Costner televisionprogramming YELLOWSTONE is for a diabesity medication called something like ‘jardance'(sp?).
During the advertisement, an adult obese negro is participating in a tournament for children’s rockets.
Early in the advertisement, he is victimized by a malicious launch while he is not wearing safety gear.
But… TheBumblingFool learns his lesson — during the remainder of the advertisement, he is shown wearing his eye- and hearing-protection.
The obese negro is portrayed as ‘jolly yet dumb’, verifying TheTrueFacts of pudgy folk as happy in their infirmities… and indignities.
On the subject of diabesity, a different advertisement suddenly showed up on the televisionprogramming of an elderly shut-in I was visiting:
That morning, I used the google search apparatus to learn about the chinese synthetic opioid ‘fentanyl’.
(You probably heard about the stuff; career-criminal George Floyd inserted a lethal dose into his colon while consuming alcohol to complete his suicide by respiratory collapse.)
That afternoon, with my mobile telephone on her kitchen table, we were subjected to repeated advertisements for grotesquely-obese ‘minority’ women in underwear.
The advertisements were for bloomers-and-such by a company called ‘Savage Fenta’.
I have zero-zero-zero issue with nudity and near-nudity.
I have zero-zero-zero issue with diabesity… as long as that mentally-ill person can afford the consequences of their suicidal decisions.
I have zero-zero-zero issue with a company named ‘Savage’ combining their name with a deadly addictive drug while marketing their products to ‘minority’ females.
My question:
Why would the advertiser believe a group of active (‘proportional’ with a BMI of the low 20s and high teens) elderly Caucasian folk need to know about bloomers engineered for grotesquely-obese diabetic and pre-diabetic ‘minority’ females?
You should watch the interview with the defected KGB agent from the 80’s, he explains that the vast majority of their time was not spent on espionage, but was spent shaping people in the West’s perception of things. He explained that facts do not matter, that you could show someone something as factual in black and white, and that it would not matter to that person once their perception had been manipulated to precive what they wanted them to and that it was almost impossible to ever change it once they precived it to be what they wanted, once that was done you could just forget them, they would always think that. The power of perception.
One only has to look at the Confederate flag, despite the person being an expert on history, our founding documents, the structure of our intended government and all the rest, he would most likely associate it with racism due to manipulation through media, which largely is what controls people’s perception. Add to that that most people, purposely so, have no idea about American, much less Southern history (see the 1619 project for an example of the rewrite) and their perception will be whatever they are told by media, subtly and not so subtle. Then again on top that add negative consequences and positive rewards for accepting their manufactured view on us and our flag and the effects are profound, coupled with the general ignorance of the population and its an impossible task to overcome it. Our own people in our own groups still subconsciously reinforce it despite knowing the truth, “Heritage not Hate” for example, subtly doing the work of our enemies for them.
Perception, not facts, are king. Our side, out of a misguided sense of truthfulness, do not even try, believing that truth will prevail, despite the evidence to the contrary.
As in advertising, put a pink wrapper on your product and villioa, its a women’s product. If you sell a man a razor to shave his beard and paint that exact same razor pink, it magically becomes a women’s razor for their legs, unfit for shaving his face.
Truth is what people precive it to be, a lesson our side must learn if we are to survive. We have the advantage of actually telling the truth, now to work on the ability and avenues to change perception, and do that we must or we will perish.
Good comment! U.S. Gov is basically the Stasi, and the TV is the propaganda machine.
Michael, You are referring to Yuri Bezmenov:
In July of 2016 I traded my 38″ 1080P flatscreen TV in return for some 4 months of temporary housing I had received. I moved away to a new state and new job, and never bought another TV. The only time I see television now is when I am in an airport or hotel. I do not miss it, especially the advertising.