
The Landmass Times: Something About Farm Murders

The plight of South African Farmers, often called Boers, has been covered so in depth and numerously that it will not be discussed in detail here, but recent events necessitate apt attention. The news has gone viral across dissident circles and on the internet of recent unrest in South Africa. The brutal murder of 21 year old Brendin Horner has sparked mildly violent protests by Boers in the increasingly chaotic and corrupt African country.

In the city of Senekal, Boers overturned and burned a police car and stormed the courthouse Mr. Horner’s murderers were being held in. As expected, the entire South African media and body politic condemned these acts of justified outrage, excepting a few such as the Freedom Front Plus Party. Also as expected, the Radical Leftist American news media remains eerily silent on the darker happenings of South African society, having once gone so far as to criticize Tucker Carlson a while back when he mentioned the epidemic of Farm Murders on a live news broadcast.

Unlike events over the past few years however, this story hit a bit too hard for Boers. They have been protesting and calling for outside aid for years now, and the West has consistently left them for dead. In a situation those whites find themselves in, it is easy to see that the volatility of South African society increases. The Farm Murders, violent crime, hostility, rape, corruption, plummeting economy, and lack of political representation are all driving Boers to the tipping point. Adding insult to injury, the government there has responded by arresting a few identified whites involved in the unrest. Unlike American conservative whites, Boers may still have the agency and intestinal fortitude to stand up for themselves, even though it is taking a while.

Contrary to popular sentiment among dissidents, it is not always so easy to sympathize with the Boer. A long history of hostility to white allies created a scenario in which the now defunct National Party cut off any European immigration. Additionally, Boers preferred to allow massive waves of Black African immigration into South Africa as a labor force. Not having the wherewithal to cultivate a reproductive mindset within Afrikaners during the 20th Century led to them becoming a particularly small minority within the country they controlled. Ian Smith, former Prime Minister of Rhodesia, even lamented in his memoir that the inability to receive European immigrants via South African ports made the Rhodesian-Bush War all the more difficult to win. As a resistance movement against ending Aprtheid, Eugene Terre’Blanche formed the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging, also known by its abbreviation the AWB, and adopted Nazi-esque imagery, a bad publicity move. It would further threaten war as Apartheid ended. Nelson Mandela had his way, and the AWB did nothing, another blunder to its reputation. The organization would soon collapse afterward.

Drawing a connection to Dixie, Boers infamously instituted Apartheid which was much harsher than that of Southern Jim Crow Laws, a fact the American media ignores, creating a situation difficult to sympathize with. Despite critiques easily made, some Boers at least had the agency to establish their own town in the form of Orania, which is steadily growing and becoming viewed as a viable option for some Afrikaners, an example Southern Nationalists seeking a colony or home during the complete ethnocide of their culture would be wise to follow.

Many continue to believe South Africa approaches a Race War, or at least a Civil War, within the near future. A doubtful prediction, Boers by nature do have more agency than Americans simply for the fact they are not ignorant white Americans voting desperately for one party which stabs them in the back constantly. Difficult to foresee, South Africa inevitably sits at a tipping point.


  1. Dixie needs a colony. I remember reading a few weeks ago that blacks bought a few hundred acres of land somewhere because they felt unsafe in the cities and were just planning on chilling with each other there. Blacks got each others backs, Whites (mostly) tell each other to eat a turnip if they’re in a jam.

    1. that’s because the entire usury system is a set up to steal from even their own white European kinfolk, even the “religion” of the criminal empire is based around it … protect this culture, yeah right Sven!! .. the “unspeakable name” “god” christian’s unknowing worship and the similarly fictitious “son” of the tranny he-she ..

      1. Have you ever written a coherent sentence in your life? Who the hell is Sven? Why do you keep sending strange links? These are the writings of a mad man

      1. The problem is, if someone starts screaming “I’M STARTING A DIXIE COLONY” you either disbelieve him or ignore him or believe he’s an agent of strife. Our mistrust of each other is pretty much the achiles heel of the dissident right.

  2. Apartheid was rational and justified, hardly a mistake. Just look at “modern” Dixie sans Segregation. It has been the Americans and Communist that have brought our cultures to ruin and those of the Occidental and S Africa.

    1. Apartheid wasn’t evil simply for existing. Apartheid did do evil because it made the Boers lazy and willing to import millions of Negroes as a lower class labor force then segregate them off by force onto reservations. Not a good look fam. Also, cutting off any access to Europe was retarded. “Cut off your nose to spite your face” as the saying goes.

      I have written on my views of segregation here:

  3. Importing Negros has been a curse on all who did so. Apartheid was necessary for social stability and sanity once that was done. What strikes me about the fall of S Africa is the absolute lack of patriotism in its leadership – they took the money and ran,literally, from S Africa leaving the rather thick Boers to fend for themselves !

    1. The problem with importation of Negroids is not a curse on the importers but their descendants. Slavery is righteous when done correctly, anyone who denies this is lying or dumb or black. The problem is as time goes on (generations) life becomes easier, and when a man has a full stomach his head is clear and he thinks to become a wise philosopher. The whole “Good men create good times” idea. The man who imports the negroids knows his family depends on it, and he also knows if they run away they have a lifelong bandit hiding in the mountains raping everything it comes across. Most if not all Blacks are like this, it’s nature. The descendants, being philosophers, do not agree with nature because they have never seen it. Pappy always kept them in line, and it always seemed unfair. These descendants are averse to slavery and pass the aversion to their kids. Then finally fully against it.

      Slavery could work if the numbers made sure that the owners had to put work in still. The loss of the Civil War was God’s punishment on us for becoming Slothfull. Too many gigantic mega farms working like a factory.

      1. Big Al:

        I highly recommend you read R. L. Dabney’s book, Defense of Virginia and the South.

        I think, with Dabney, that your theory is mostly wrong and I can date it back to New England circa around 1820 (I think) when Noah Webster helped found one of the first abolitionist societies on the Continent in his home state, Connecticut, and made essentially the same argument you made above, except that he crammed it into about eighty pages (ha, ha) instead of the single paragraph you wrote. Later on when she became an adult, one of Webster’s daughters got involved with the lunatic abolitionists in his state and started showing alarming signs of fanaticism in her own right. Which of course was highly disconcerting to her father, so he wrote her a letter in which he basically told her she needed to dissociate from those loons while she still had part of her sanity left. Then he blamed their lunacy and lunatic antics on Southern abolitionists who he said were ultimately responsible for putting crazy ideas into the heads of New Englanders when they ought to have kept them within the confines of their own states. I kid you not.

        Ol’ Webster was a pretty good man overall best I can tell, but he had a huge blind spot when it came to New Englanders and their crazy Puritan ideas. They damn sure didn’t need any help from Southern Abolitionists to bring their (repressed for a time) fanatial tendencies to the surface, I guarantee you that.

        I don’t have time at this very moment to dig that stuff up and provide you with links, but I’ll try to get back to it later. In the meantime, here is a line on Dabney’s book mentioned above:

        I think you might like this book – “Dabney’s Defense of Virginia and the South, Annotated.” by Robert Lewis Dabney, Gary Lee Roper.

        Start reading it for free:

        1. Will try to buy a copy when I have money. Thank you for the recommendation, it is now on my reading list.

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