
The Landmass Times: A Truly “Invisible” Empire

Just as it seems the Party of Lincoln has reached the limit of incompetence nature establishes, it outdoes itself. Recently, President Trump, alongside his peers, unveiled a so called “Platinum Plan” as a means of insipidly and cravenly winning the approval of Negro communities. The proposal aims to provide Negroes with $500B in federal funds to improve their communities, education opportunities, etc. despite being an obvious waste of time and money. At no point has the Republican Party had the intestinal fortitude to admit they will quite literally never win the Negro vote.

Additionally, the proposed legislation would designate both Antifa and the Ku Klux Klan as terrorist organizations. The entire concept of branding the latter as a terrorist organization is nothing short of impetuous retardation. Antifa and BLM have been wrecking havoc across the country in the name of communism, and the Republican establishment has the gall to insert wording which will blatantly be misused to only attack the Right. Yes, the Republicans are the primary authors of the legislation. It was proposed and wholly endorsed by President Trump and was influenced via ideas espoused by the likes of Black Republican Tim Scott. Should this pass, at no point will Antifa ever be prosecuted in any way; whereas the bit on the Klan will be utilized to persecute right-wingers to the fullest extent of the law and further. The attempt at Negro votes looks weak, and the inclusion of the bit about Antifa is only a ham-fisted way of appearing as a compromise or bipartisan appeal.

Additionally, some further context needs included to provide clarifying pretext to the current Klan situation in America. Simply stated, the Ku Klux Klan no longer exists. Only a handful of members of all but completely defunct organizations remain. Some of these include the Imperial Klans of America in Kentucky, the Loyal White Knights in North Carolina, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in Arkansas, and the American Christian Dixie Knights in Tennessee. That is it, and they only exist on a pathetically miniscule, local level in rural areas where they get together and drink, epitomizing the very caricature their forefathers once terrorized. These groups do nothing else and do not even bother to do much in the way of recruiting or spreading information via blogposts, continuing an unbroken trend of constant decline which began in the mid-1980’s following the collapse of the “3rd Klan.” In fact, it may be that they no longer exist at all and simply forgot to remove their websites from the internet.

The Mississippi White Knights only had a few members left while Obama was in office and completely ceased to exist once Trump assumed the presidency, the latter fact even being stated by the former Imperial Wizard Steven Howard as recently as June 2020 in an interview. However, the state is still currently listed as the municipality with the most Klan activity on the SPLC website despite contrary evidence. Funny how that works. These groups, assuming they are even real, denounce violence on their websites anyway. The “Invisible” Empire befits its name quite well.

In further news, the media got all in a dither about Trump’s lack of a reaction to a statement about the Proud Boys at the recent presidential debate. Decrying him as a racist, the media goaded the President to the extent he openly derided white supremacy and the Proud Boys, only for the media to continue calling him a racist anyway.

The American Right died years ago; the only thing left of it is the last few vapors of stench left on its dried bones. If the intent has not yet been made poignantly clear, the Republican establishment hates its voters and honestly lacks the competence to ensure its future into the next generation. The party’s downfall now appears unavoidable. It only seems as though they, including the President, desperately wish for Biden to win in November…..

…which he may well do.


  1. “$500B in federal funds to improve their communities” is just another grift scheme to be payed for by the proles, err taxpayers, err serfs … lets see, privatize the benefits and profits and socialize the risks and losses, wow ain’t private foreign central bank communistic usury financialization and fleecing grand … what could go wrong? …

    1. grifter’s are the communists beholding to no kin or nation, a sodality of tranny he-she lovin thieves: “In reality, the Fed’s core interests are enriching and protecting private banking globally, and maintaining U.S. global hegemony via a strong dollar. Recall that geopolitically, no empire ever got stronger by weakening its currency.” … privatize the benefits and profits and socialize the risks and losses… yup. the “central Party” will own all global assets via fraudulent contract and you will not have a right to personal property, aka communism …

      ain’t just the JQ…

  2. I wrote yesterday at Z-man’s site that the Party of Lincoln “has come full circle.” Someone later commented to my comment, posing the question whether our choice now is between fanatics of the “Republican” or “Democratic” variety. Or something to that effect. The answer to the question is so obvious to my mind that I just laughed to myself and didn’t bother answering.

    Back when I was younger and stupider, I used to argue quite a lot with one of the Opinion writers at the Tulsa World newspaper. This clown – Mike Jones – was always talking out his hindparts about things he had no clue about. One of which was “white supremacy,” the so called “Klan,” and all that. In his diatribes he would invariably say something to the effect of ‘one visit to the SPLC website is evidence enough that these hateful organizations still exist and are very active.’

    Now, it takes a special kind of stupid to write such a thing knowing in advance it will be published for tens of thousands to read. On the other hand, it takes a special kind of stupid to believe that someone stupid enough to publish such blather is at all, ever was, or ever shall be, rational and teachable. So there ya go.

    Good write-up.

  3. The choices we have.
    A president who against all odds was put into office by people who were hoping their children might have a future in their own country. A president who has turned his back on those same people.

    Or, a doddering, skeletal husk acting as a Trojan horse for President Harris.

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