Don’t Pop The Champagne Quite Yet

We are seeing a lot of early victory declarations from Republicans and talk of a Trump landslide. That sort of thinking is foolish.

This was one of the most important news stories that came out last week and it didn’t get the kind of attention it deserved:

Data: New Foreign-Born Voters in Swing States Exceed 2016 Margins of Victory

The number of new foreign-born voters, naturalized since 2014, exceeds the 2016 margins of victory in a number of swing states, new data reveals.

Analysis from the National Partnership for New Americans finds that in swing states such as Florida, Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Nevada, the total number of foreign-born voters who have entered the electorate since 2014 exceeds the margins of victory from the 2016 presidential election.

In Michigan, for instance, Trump won the state in 2016 by 10,704 votes against Democrat Hillary Clinton. Between 2014 to 2018, nearly 64,700 new foreign-born voters have entered the electorate in Michigan — including more than 13,500 Iraqi immigrants.

The margins are large in Florida, a key swing state, as well. In 2016, Trump beat Clinton by less than 113,000 votes. Between 2014 to 2018, nearly 415,500 new foreign-born voters have entered the electorate in Florida, almost triple Trump’s margin of victory.

What have I been saying for years now? Demographic changes are going to be the reason why Trump is likely to lose to a guy who can’t open his own pudding cups. These aren’t immigrants from Norway and Hungary, they are from Somalia and Afghanistan and Mexico. Non-Whites, including immigrants, vote for Democrats 2 to 1. That is not going to change.

It isn’t the riots and looting or the relative unemployment levels. It isn’t about Trump wiping the floor with Biden in a debate. It isn’t about anything the talking heads are chattering about on TV and social media.

It is about demographics.

No one is excited about the Biden candidacy, not even Joe Biden. I doubt you could find any rank and file Democrats planning on voting for Biden who could tell you why they were voting for Biden without invoking Trump’s name in the first sentence.

The 2020 election is the culmination of the Left’s grand scheme, launched in earnest in 1965 and finally being fulfilled in 2020 with the replacement of the White heritage American voter with a new, non-White, resentful and easily manipulated voting class.

Conservatives still think, or at least pretend to think, that we are still debating ideology and ideas. We aren’t. This is an existential fight for survival between competing tribes. The third world, mostly from the global south, is exploding in population and they look with jealousy and rage toward the West and our peace and prosperity. They don’t want to join us, they want to replace and destroy us.

Most of us are going to figure it out too late. Trump is the last gasp of Heritage America and doddering old creep Joe Biden is the place holder for the new “American.” Biden won’t last a year in office before being replaced by half black/half Asian political whore Kamala Harris.

Still, there is a chance that Trump pulls this thing out if enough White people quietly vote for him out of fear generated by the riots and looting. A lot of people are pretty frightened and rightly so. The worst impulses of our underclass combined with the resentment created in the middle-class White youth has created a toxic and violent stew that is boiling over in multiple cities across America.

Don’t think for a moment that the election will be decided on election day. This election will be decided not in the voting booth and not by voters. This election will be fought by lawyers and decided by judges and even then, should Trump pull out a victory there is little chance that the Left will simply accept the results. We will see endless lawsuits, violence in the streets and even the possibility of an attempted coup. While the enlisted and lower rank officers seem mostly pro-Trump, the upper echelons of the military are rotten to the core.

Whatever else you say about Trump, things have certainly been anything but dull.


  1. The only thing that really changes by each president is the scenery. Under trump we had some neat memes and calling out of fake news, and an occasional mention of God at rallies to rally protestants, our scenery was pretty humorous atleast. Under biden our scenery will be more blm riots in the background. That’s about it other than taxes.

  2. My wager is still up; Trump wins (both in the formal election in November, and in the anarchistic aftermath), and I’ll humbly buy you a cup of coffee if I turn out to be wrong. Such is the level of my current (and hereinafter, for that matter) distrust in the “United States” electoral system so called. Bottom line: You ain’t got a dog in this fight, and neither do I.

    1. He’ll probably win. He actually has more supporters than Biden I think, atleast here in FL. Most mexicanos won’t end up voting. But, it doesn’t go off of who votes, the president was probably chosen a few months ago in a stuffy New Jersey board room.

  3. Personally i think the “coup talk” is priming the impeachment story for the next 4 years. it will give them the perfect thing to rail against. just like the Russia accusations started in the last weeks before the 2016 election went on to dominate the news for years.

    They know they have will probably lose based on history so they pick 2 bad candidates that their party and country doesn’t like to get them out of the limelight so their best candidate can be crowned in 2024 where they are likely to win.

    or its totally real in which case they feel like they are running out of time or (more likely) the militant wing has built a momentum of its own and cant be controlled. either way its the last election.

  4. Its going to cost me nothing to pull the lever for Trump.

    If I’m wrong, and my vote is meaningless, as almost the whole dissident right now coincidentally agrees on (despite agreeing on nothing else), then my futile gesture won’t change anything, and no harm is done.

    If I’m right, and Trump is trully the lesser of two evils and won’t do anything other than be a big orange punching bag for the left who increasingly are overt in their hatred of Whitey, another four years of controlled chaos like this year is going to have half the white population utterly radicalized by 2024. Then, majority or minority status will be meaningless, as we will by far still be the largest distinct voting demographic in the country, and will be for some time.

    I’ve got nothing to lose in having some hope. God knows nobody in the dissident right has given me any.

    The White race is rudderless and adrift. The dissident right has failed to even get a basic message out, that its ok to be White.

    We’ve fallen into obscurity through no-ones fault but our own.

    We will be saved, if at all, by the sheer hubris and zeal of our enemies as they over reach and let the mask slip, waking the natural tribal nature of Whitey.

    Or we won’t, and it still will not have cost me anything to vote for Trump.

    I’ve yet to see one good reason why I shouldn’t.

  5. I think the entire Alt-Right is controlled dialectical opo and honey traps for AI info gathering, including this site and O.D.; it ain’t about your people and all about the communism-lite religion of the Jerusalem temple of Usury…

  6. well Arthur, answer the query… you won’t you cuck… and don’t give me that king of king’s balderdash, if the king answer to another king he ain’t sovereign!!

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