For many of us, we were tired and hungry. We were exhausted with the utter failure of mainstream conservativism and we were yearning to be part of something capable of pushing back against the Left’s neverending encroachment on our history and heritage. National Review wasn’t going to do it, neither were Southern heritage organizations. Everyone seemed to give up on the South, our homeland, after a maniac shot up a church in Charleston. Afterwards, the gates were open and the flag and monuments were targeted for destruction.
And, it wasn’t just the South either. In the past five (5) years we’ve seen a dramatic increase in outright hostility and hatred against white people, essentially Heritage America. That’s not hyperbole and that’s not a conspiracy theory, either. Just search “white people” on Twitter and see the results, in addition to the links provided here. Watch Netflix’s Dear White People and think this is all normal and healthy. When most of us were kids, nobody ever heard of “white privilege,” “toxic masculinity,” “systemic racism,” etc. Now, that’s practically all you hear on mainstream news and television, or some moral panic to justify a restriction on our civil rights.
Across the country, legislation was codified to protect the sanctity of traditional marriage. Men and women in black robes, despite popular support by the states’ citizenry, ruled that those sensible prohibitions were unconstitutional and immoral. Less than a decade later, we had June become a Fortune 500 self-congratulatory celebration of sin. Father’s Day took a backseat to mega corporations slapping rainbow flags on all their marketing advertisements. “Bake the Cake” or face crippling legal liabilities became the norm. Afterwards, we began seeing mentally ill men in dresses read to children in front of their brainwashed liberal parents.
Meanwhile, the U.S. waged war on the world. Code Pink, along with the anti-war Left, disappeared into the ether when Obama became chief executive. The bodies continued to stack as the U.S. engaged in regime change throughout the Middle East and elsewhere. Drone strikes against weddings, a decrease in American fighting capabilities through attrition and political purging, destroyed Arab cities, thousands and thousands of mass death, and a weakened and apathetic national morale entrenched itself at home. Suddenly, we realized that no one cared that our people were being thrown into an infinite meat-grinder, while folks like Sean Hannity, Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck, and Mark Levin equated the imperialism abroad to a concoction of Patrick Henry’s patriotism and defeating the Third Reich. The ride never ended.
At home, we witnessed the transformation of the national culture. Many of us are millennials and Gen Xers, we remember Old America. That world decidedly moved on by Obama’s second term in office. Our grandparents were dying off, along with our elders. What was left were old, fatigued men unwilling to speak up, stricken by fear, and beset with slumping shoulders. They believed that everything was fine as they rewatched NCIS episodes and needlessly pondered why they didn’t have grandchildren, their own kids died of opioid and alcohol addiction, and ball players disrespected Old Glory. The last real burst of patriotism was after 9/11 when the Empire’s leadership pissed away thousands of lives on a contractors’ war in Iraq, a CIA drug trafficking and child exploitation racket in Afghanistan, and an endless culture war and replacement of the remaining people who cared about ‘Merica.
Movies, television, and music wasted away to mindless superhero flicks, uninteresting liberal sitcoms, and mumble rap or disjointed and forgettable pop. Rock has been dead since Kurt Cobain put a shotgun to his head and country music became a corporate blob of phonies faking “redneck accents” behind microphones. Nothing original is produced, unless it’s brimming with nihilism, rampant sex, or violent gore. Instead of a real community, normies replaced their life with television shows and binge watching. Despite the predictability of it all, it’s all they talk about. When television shows finally end, the nation nostalgically mourns the loss of several seasons or the gnashing of teeth occurs.
Our Sahara of the Bozart
Many of us were lost in the cultural desert. All our heroes were dead and no one would defend their good name. But, in that lonely desert, we saw something far in the distance, an oasis was reportedly there. We were told it was a place where the last bit of genuine rightwingers and brilliant reactionaries could be found, they had been in rhetorical battle with the insane Left for some time, albeit on the internet. We were cautioned, though: this is a place unlike any other, with its own language, taboo narratives, transgressive comedy, and buried deep within the fringes of the internet. However, it was young, fun, and (socially) dangerous. For men without much hope, it was the only hope.
One by one, we marched across the desert in search for something. Usually, the journey took us from reading little known blogs and outlets, to regular podcast listening, to becoming full-fledge writers and content creators. We thought we were at home with other plucky rebels and outcasts in that seductive and obscure paradise. And, that’s how we viewed ourselves – marginalized by modernity, we walked to the very edge of the ideological earth to find sanctuary and communion with other men and women searching for answers and willing to fight back against the orthodox narratives of modern America.
At first, the mental discomforts could be ignored. Were these narratives all just a joke to rile up the progressive-class? If so, it was certainly working with resounding success. Extreme rhetoric was pitched as cool and exciting, and it appeared to be working. More people were listening, joining, and commenting. We all felt like the hard work of trolling and content creation came to fruition with the election of Trump, it also cemented our identity as political rebels. Trump’s victory over the Establishment really was monumental and we believed we helped with his victory – we were the underdogs and Hillary’s proxy concession speech was like watching the Death Star explode from some Pepe proton torpedoes. We had done it!
Everything changed after the election. Everyone seemed to be swimming in different directions. The discomforts began to grow harder and harder to ignore, even before Charlottesville. The limitless edgy commentary was akin to having your head in a vice, with each outrageous meme slowly applying pressure, or like a junkie needing his next fix. Was this all to it? Just offensive outrage? Despite the vast ideological differences among us, which would become clear over time, we continued on. However, Charlottesville was on the horizon and would become the first major breaking point for us. Waterloo or our own personal Gettysburg, it would change our lives forever.

Smothered and Covered
It was a hot day in August. The vast majority of us did not attend the surprise torch march throughout the University of Virginia campus, as we were completely unaware of it. We just watched on our phones and the news that something was happening suddenly. Earlier, a judge had ruled that the rally could happen and a permit was issued. That was a win. Watching from the safety of our homes, the torch march, at first, seemed “cool” and “adventurous” and another surprising morale victory. We were going to save those statues: Lee, Jackson, and old Thomas Jefferson, too. Some thought, “Maybe the rally will get called off now? Maybe this is enough?”
Unfortunately, that fateful rally did not get called off. Another article can be devoted to the experience in detail, one illustrating folks being strangled by antifa and pepper-sprayed for walking into a park, while apathetic police officers watched the mayhem ensue in silence. It all went sideways and became the Left’s Altamont and Kent State mixed into one giant victimhood martyrdom with license to destroy more monuments. Practically everyone who attended has been hunted down by the press and cyberstalkers and fired from their jobs. One young man even committed suicide. It killed the Alt-Right, along with other tragic circumstances in the streets of Charlottesville and in the clouds above Albermarle County.
Afterwards, the strain became harder and harder to bear. Those who demanded activism as a solution had been soundly defeated by reality. This same camp was also the most ideologically extreme, in both personal temperament and political outlook. It started to dawn on many of us that maybe the ironic Nazism wasn’t a meme to cause the vapors to hypersensitive liberals, but what if these guys actually believed it? And, how could a man really espouse those beliefs, while his personal life appeared diametrically opposed to them? Something wasn’t adding up.
Change or Perish
Identity Dixie wasn’t born out of marital hatred, as some would like to believe. Most reasonable people adamantly opposed interjecting into a man’s personal life. Many of our content creators had already been voicing grievances well before Charlottesville and the Rebel Shoah episode. Southerners are a unique people with many underlying and interwoven commonalities. The way we talk, our hobbies, our opinions, our upbringing, and many more items are unique to Southerners, and Southerners alone. Sharing space with atomized, usually urban, internet trolls, drifting from one Far Right ideology to the next, caused great heartache within our community, as well as, terrible infighting, personal disputes, and online drama.
Gradually, we started to realize that White Nationalism was an ineffective and, to be frank, damaging position. Those that advocated (and still do) for it had led a great many young men to impoverishment, labeled as social pariahs, or something far worse. Our opinions and advocacy turned to our foundation, while former allies eventually started attacking the Right and praising foreign dictators. As we have published several times, White Nationalism is a fake identity, just as disingenuous as Pan-Europeanism. Its promoters routinely reveal themselves to be petty tyrants, mentally ill hustlers, or gutter trash. It’s unsurprising that it attracts those that are rootless or former leftist converts, as it’s an empty promise of change and neverending revolution. It was supposed to be an upgrade from weirdos in combat boots and laces, but it spiralled into a trashy, online ghetto.
Well before the unpleasantness that permeated the summer of 2019, we had already committed to changing our brand. At first, we could hardly be distinguished from the Stormer (although, we are glad to hear that the proprietor of that site is also changing his messaging). Over time, we transitioned from reckless and offensive Southern “shitlords” to genuine, Southern Nationalists. ID has always been a collection of varied rightwing ideologies, including reactionaries, paleocons, fanciful anarchs and old-school libertarians. To survive, we had to shake off the toxic (and usually atheistic) White Nationalism applied to us through historical associations and admittedly poor choices. Ultimately, we had to return to our roots – muscular Christianity, traditionalism, and Dixie.
We discovered that raising funds for a kid with cancer or getting a homeless family off the streets was much more powerful than angering leftists on Facebook, and discussing strategies for our people was more productive than lambasting ethnic minorities on Twitter. We started a de-radicalization process for willing White Nationalists and indignant rightwing contrarians – moving them beyond atheism and extreme racialism to Christianity and sensible criticisms of the current paradigm. We realized the past wasn’t working, from a practical, moral, and spiritual perspective, and something needed to be done. A time for maturity had arrived, perhaps that’s why this site and its writers are so persecuted? We’ll never know.
However, what we do know is this: you can’t change the past, but you can shape your future. As Southern Nationalists, our goal is to not be “anti” (although, we will still critique the vast shortcomings of modernity), but rather “pro.” You don’t inspire people with blind hate, instead you advocate for what you love. We love the South and her people. That’s our direction and that’s what has brought us back home.
Deo Vindice.

This is literally the whiniest suicide note ever.
If anyone is to be awarded an A+ for having extrapolated the intangible and unseen out of this article, it must be you.
Yes, to tell you the truth, I am so taken aback by the utter sublimity of your comprehensiveness, Dear Bingo, all I can do is bow and aspire to better learn what the limits of human ability are.
Great article! Very inspiring, and, dare I say, humble! It takes a big man to cast a great shadow, as the old saying goes; it takes a bigger man to admit he has been wrong, to humble himself before the Almighty, and to correct his waywardness.
Interesting read yet sad read of the past 4 years of whatever’s happening, It seems like a lots changed on this site in the last 3 years, and from what you’ve said it’s probably for the better because the maturity on here is what attracted me to trying to get involved in this site although I’ve only been here for 3 weeks or so. Whenever I think of “white nationalists” I just think of some socially awkward urban teenager who lives in his parents basement only playing pointless video games with no job or friends except one fellow “white nationalist” an I think the same for so called “right wing extremists”. Most of these guys are just losers who can’t get a girlfriend or a life for the matter an I’m not saying it to be mean, I’m not saying it cause it’s true an we all know it by how immature these manchildren are. Unfortunately contrary to popular belief while they are most on the left, there are some on the right although thankfully not as many.
One of the things that personally really annoys me is when the “alt right” flies our flag with the Nazis. Nazis an Dixians are very far from the same thing which helps the left easily link us to violent Nazis who want to kill us all. If there are any Neo Nazis I’m not going after your beliefs, but personally I just can’t support Nazis because my family fought against them an so did our people not to mention that exterminating anyone for any reason should be wrong an yes I have read Mein Kampf so I understand the motives although I absolutely do not think they were justified. I hope someday people will realize that Southern Nationalism is very different from nazism an “white nationalism” an to merge nazis with the southern cause is an insult to our grandparents who fought against them an ancestors who fought against the North in the war between the states.
JohnnyReb I totally do not understand how you attack young White men who are fighting against the odds faced today as “video game players”.You are parroting the anti-White media,you do know that.As far as your family fighting the Nazi’s I can only say that Whites killing each other in both World War I and II was orchestrated by Jews who hate us.We have the facts now,Hitler was rescuing his people from Jews who had totally taken control of Germany and were turning it to filth just like America has become now.Get over the propaganda,God gave you a brain so use it.And stop attacking fellow Whites.The Dixian stuff ain’t working alone,all Whites must be UNITED.
First off I’m not trying to attack just young white men, and I wasn’t intending to be anti white with that statement. The anti whites are actually the people who want our young white men to be fat, lazy manchildren, and play video games that don’t benefit them outside the game so no one stands up against the elites an also so that way they don’t have children . Look how our young men were before video games an you’ll see a major difference in how much happier an healthier they were, that was actually a very pro white statement cause it’s important we realize how video games have weakened numbed so many of our minds an for us to do something about it so we raise strong men. You said how they’re “fighting against the odds “, but what are they actually fighting? Video games are for people who don’t have anything better to do in life, and are often used as a crutch like Marajuana an drugs that also have done much harm to whites not just in the south, but all over.
Secondly as I said I’ve read Mein Kampf, and I do understand Hitlers motives due to the mass Jewish invasion into Germany that today are the Muslim immigrants who are doing the exact same thing the Jews did back then. I’m not arguing that he did try to save his people from the mass migration that was replacing native Germans, however Hitler was wrong in trying to conquer all of Europe rather than just save his own people along with having exterminations of Jews was inhumane an shouldn’t be something we should ever consider to do even with our worst enemies. Replace Jews an think of China’s Christian genocide of today or the white genocide of the south an try to defend that, genocide is unchristian an wrong in all cases an there is no honor in that period. In the Civil war did we just go out an try exterminate all black people? No we didn’t . There were other much more civilized an ethical ways Hitler could have used to stop mass migration an keep Germany German without giving elites an excuse to start World War II. If Hitler would’ve left the rest of Europe alone, and found a civil an reasonable way to deal with the massive amount of Jewish migrants he probably could have led Germany in prosperity for many years, and could have saved Germany from the complete doom it now faces due to the post war effects from the punishments Germany faced along with its current liberal leadership. Native Germans are being exterminated now pretty much with no hope in sight, because whenever someone powerful has had their interest in mind they’ve been helped in the short term on endless but screwed them in the long term as we can see today.
I’m thankful he gave me a brain an I’m using it, I hope I explained myself an I hope it gave you a bit of a different prospective on the negative effects of video games on our young men an why genocide should never be justified.
Sincerely with respect,
If I am to be utterly frank, I would have to say that, though I started coming to this site within months of it having started, I did not come regularly, because, though it seemed well-intended, it did not seem serious.
Or, perhaps better to say, it did not seem focused or polished.
To be ever blunter – it seemed like a pale online edition of The League of The South, though, just like The League of The South, it seemed to be skirting by a fledgling 21st century Southern Nationalism’s chief dilemma – how to voice it’s concerns and agendae without seeming like another slightly more bleached shade of Naziism.
Case in point was 2014, when the then host of Southern Nationalist News Network, Michael Cushman, went on RT TV and was taken apart by the show’s host Tom Hartmann, that for Cushman’s inability to answer Hartmann’s questions concerning what would happen to non-Gentile White Southerner’s in Cushman’s prospective Southern Nation.
The normally extremely well-poised and articulate Cushman did what I have never seen him do – he blushed, fumbled, and was completely unable to avoid having it appear that he was a would-be genocidalist with a Southern accent, even to one of his supporters, like me.
I hated that moment, because I like and respect Michael Cushman, and, like him, am a Southern Patriot, even though I am a Southern Jew.
And, speaking of my blood, I am not only a veteran, but, am the direct descendant of Confederate Warriors from the state of Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, not to mention Revolutionary War heroes and 3 Colonels of The Baroque Virginia Militias that fought the Indian Wars that established Dixie.
Unshaken by the fact that many in The Southern Nationalist Cause were highly suspicious, and continue to remain so, that I could be anything but a treacherous FBI/Antifa plant, I have gone on with my pro-Southern activism unabated through the years.
I want to be clear here – I have usually been treated with great courtesy, and grudging respect by leaders of The Southern Nationalist movement, and I thank them for that, because I realize the difficulties, in light of their current belief system.
That said, I take time to write of this, something I have never done, because if Southern Nationalism cannot embrace Southern Patriots like me, it has absolutely no future, because the overwhelming majority of White Southerners reject the notion that the principle determining factor in whether a man is a trustworthy Southerner is whether is purely from Olde Brittania.
Moreover, the overwhelming majority of White Southerners also reject the notion the evicting and deporting mass peoples, because of their blood, could ever be anything but vile and contemptible.
it is that way because White Southerners are honourable – even when it inconveniences them with their other beliefs.
And this brings me to the crux of my point – The Good Lord has blessed me to live in 13 states, outside of the country, and, as well, to have many long-held and cherished friendships with those who are from all over the world.
Because of this, it puts me in a position to say this – if The South is to survive, then it ought survive because it is something honourable. In fact, I’ll go a step further and say this – though it has been imperfect, Dixie has always been a honour culture and, given what I know of the rest of the world, this is a dang rare thing.
Yes, sad to say, I am personally familiar with a lot of cultures where honour is not particularly a thing of note, and, to that end, I say this : ——- Though The White Southern Gentile Race has always been the chief voice in Dixie, and so it ought remain, a cursory glance at all those who fought for the first Southern Confederacy, and or worked for it, reveals that the Southland was, and, indeed, is truly a multi cultural patchwork quilt.
To say this is not anti-Southern White, but, the real truth, and, if Southern Nationalism is to have a future, it needs to embrace the truth – not the New England and International Jewry version of ‘the truth’ but, it’s own reckoning of it and itself in it.
Lastly, I would say this : ———- in the last week I have been coming to this site I have been shocked to find something quite antithetical to what I found when I used to come here.
Now this sight is polished and focused, it’s articles cogent, well thought out, and very articulate.
It gives me reason to hope that our movement does, indeed, have a chance, over the coming years.
In the end there are two thing I know – the first being that, though we are never going to be a perfect society, in the end all Southerners will be benefitted if White Gentile Southerners have the proper determining voice in what goes in in Dixie, but, that this voice works with a considered view to the conditions of the other tens of millions of Southerners that are here.
The second being that, if the White Southern Race does not soon recover it’s vision and it’s balls, it’s going to get worse for all of us.
Live a good life in a graceful and noble manner.
The left is full of broken people whose message is to embrace brokenness. I don’t want to imagine the self-loathing they endure.
Personally I’m not a Christian, a baptized Catholic, but I subscribe to a more ancient ideal from the Vedic/Aryan civilization. Reality is a paradox, being both illusory and material. The Bhagavad Gita emphasizes virtue and strength and the Upanishads emphasize wisdom and good judgement. Exactly what you’d find in the Book of Proverbs, but with more metaphysical emphasis.
The left is only concerned with destruction. They have the mindset of angry and petulant children. They would be terrified if they actually got their way and had to administer civilization. Water and sanitation don’t care about inclusivity and diversity. Either a roadway crew builds and maintains the road or it doesn’t.
As it stands, I gotta get back to practicing guitar. I won’t let lefties control art.
“Personally I’m not a Christian, a baptized Catholic, but I subscribe to a more ancient ideal from the Vedic/Aryan civilization. Reality is a paradox, being both illusory and material. ”
Yes, before The Holy Ghost and The Orthodox Church came in and stole my heart,I was a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism for 20 years.
And that kind of meditative view, of which you alluded, has never conflicted with my Christian Faith, but, instead, has stood me in very very good stead.
As to practicing guitar and not letting Lefties control art, I hope you will not focus too much on looking masterful, because too many players are more impressive with their raked and arpeggiated sweeps, nowadays, but, play with little to no feeling.
Take care of the feeling and hunt for what is laying original inside you. It’s a longer and scarier path, but, in the end, infinitely more rewarding.
You captured my feelings exactly.
This has always been about Labor, from destroying the South in the war of organized capitalist aggression from the north, to both world wars, it was always about who was going to control labor. A lot of us labored feverishly for truth and justice on the net, and were slapped down at c’ville, we all now see how firmly entrenched the enemies of any group outside of there control are, I believe for myself, the only way forward is in Love, I’m still trying to wrap my head around Loving your enemies like Christ taught, that may be the key, all I can do is Love my family and those around me and let my Southern pride shine, it will put the Yankees to shame.
Thank you for this article, you’ve done my soul real good.
God Bless you and all the men who stood tall at Charlottesville.
Yes, indeedy, ’tis all about corporate greed, and who better to evince such a neverending display than The Jew England Yankee United States’ Government?; – Daddy Rothschild’s favourite fried catfish and hushpuppy shack.
As to Chryst’s teaching about loving our neighbours :—– absolutely we must do it, though, sometimes the soft love has has to be broken up brief spells of something harder, when our neighbour repeatedly demonstrates that they need to be taken out to the shed.
Even so, when we go ‘a foragin’ for just the right hickory switch, it is a chore which must be done with a view to being loving in our minds.
Love was what made me chaperon our daughter, as she was being courted by young lascivious men, and it was just that sort of consistently carried out love that made her hate me, or, at least, for a time.
Nowadays, VD-free, and not screwed up in the head from past abortions or demonic relationships that comprise the degenerate life, she realizes what I did for her was solely out of the deepest love.
Sometimes it is the business of a man to love like that – to set the edges of watch is possible and then to stand watch like a ravenous hawk.
Time for Southern Men to take up the business of love, and hawking, once again.
I read this yesterday and came back today to praise it. This is exactly what we need – love of ourselves, NOT hatred of others. When I went to work for a certain regional nonprofit in the southland, I thought I was going to be helping all the people here. That was over a decade ago. Now the only people we even talk about are black or LGBTQ. No concrete aid ever. Just talk sessions. It’s nothing but engendering and nurturing hatred and perversity.
In a way I can’t believe I read this website. I used to be such a radical. When the Iraq war was threatened by W and his henchmen, I was one of the grownups out in the street trying to stop them. I was one of those called traitor and terrorist for trying to stop it. And I went home and cried over the southern boys who were joining up to defend me, not realizing that that was so very very far from what was fixing to happen …. Anyway, I am a lot older and a lot more liberal that most of you here.
But then, but then, how often have I dreamed what if there was a way Southern Appalachia could be free of the Yankees and all the destruction they’ve wrought here? I come from just outside Oak Ridge. I grew up with Yankee nuclear physicists looking down their noses at us. I grew up with the people designing the end of the world condescending to me. I say the heck with worrying about the Civil War, I’m still fighting my own little version of the Cold War! If you got mixed up in right wing politics more recently — here’s where I’m coming from — I was one of the teenagers protesting the Tellico Dam back in the day because we were sick of the TVA stealing even more farms from even more Tennesseans. (And yes, I’m sick of hearing about a certain fish.) So that’s how I got involved in lefty politics, besides my dear Mama’s example. She was “for the integration,” and look at the reward she’s gotten! Just demands to apologize for the color of her aged skin.
Anyhow, I came here to say you are right in this essay. I’ve been reading a lot lately about muscular Christianity. In one novel about it, I see men who had an actual secret society for doing good to their neighbors. In another, I see men doing their best to steer the union movement in godly paths and away from Marxism. You all here seem to be mostly men. I think you might could learn a thing or two from those old muscular Christians.
Keep it up and thank you. You helped me stay a little saner in this crazy time.
“This is exactly what we need – love of ourselves, NOT hatred of others. ”
Amen, Sister – the vitriolic bluster against those not White Southern, more than few few Southern Nationalists have taken as a constructive placebo to assuage their growing sense of impotence in recent years, reminds me of the husband who, unable to find a way to advocate for his interests in the context of his marriage, gives up and withdraws to the corner to peevishly suck his thumb.
The extremes are either A – The White Southern Race acts like it does not exist and cedes everything to every alien, person, entity, and idea with a happy smile … OR … B. – White Southerners hate everybody and have nothing to do with anyone but themselves.
Obviously both are neither who White Southerners are, or ever have been, nor can either strategy work.
The Middle Path, the path that White Southerners were for centuries on, is the only constructive way forward – White Southerners being as they have always been, kind and honourable folk, though with a steel spine as to standing guard over Dixie’s borders … both -stract and ab-.
Hey!!!! Im from around there as well near Oak Ridge!!! That’s my homeland, oh how I miss it so an want to move back!!! I was born at the Methodist Medical Center!!!! Don’t be a stranger!! What a small world!!!! Also some of those nuclear physicists aren’t yankee nor do they all look down on you an are actually from around there so please watch it on that. Yeah Oak Ridge is probably the most liberal place there besides Knoxville, and I never really noticed how liberal it was until they built that new building for the Unitarian Church when they put the Kroger Marketplace in on Turnpike an moved the Unitarian church near Home Depot an at the new location they immediately started to fly the gay flag an promoting all that other liberal garbage on their signs. I had no clue there were that many liberals in Oak Ridge to fill up a church, because while we werent your “normal Bush republicans” we are very conservative in most things an always went to very conservative churches in the area so we obviously never went to that church an ignored it when passing by. Before they started flying the gay flag an having that sign spewing liberal propaganda I never knew what kind of church they were, but I know now.
I was shocked an horrified when I first saw that, never did I think all that was liberal stuff was so near me. You know how conservative we are out there an how much we still fly our Rebel flag even after its been demonized so much, cause in most of Anderson Co an surrounding counties outside of Oak Ridge as you probably know we do not give a flying you know what about gays an liberal politics that people virtue signal along with cause we still pray an have Bibles in our schools in Clinton an Rocky Top. I hope that hasn’t changed in the last 3 an a half years I haven’t lived there. Oak Ridge has really gone down the tubes the last few years, first with the AMSE museum I had so many childhood memories at closing an having a sorry excuse of a replacement that does Oak Ridge a terrible disservice in the former shopping mall that I haven’t cared to check out. Last I heard they were putting apartments there? They’ve sure moved slow on that project. I sure miss being there since we moved out of East Tennessee 3 an a half years ago although I still visit, but I’m glad we moved out of Oak Ridge about 12 years ago when our house caught fire cause that city is just getting worse and worse. Who the heck are all those new foreigners out there I see every time I go there now, my families been in that area since before the revolution so we don’t like yankee newcomers invading our home to much haha. Man I really hope to move back around there someday an start a family there for the long term cause the women over there are great born again southern Christians an that areas my home I’ve always felt so connected to my whole life. I wouldn’t want to live in Oak Ridge though, but nearby where people are still pro south an native to there like I am, I’ve met some of the best people in my life over there an I didn’t know what I had till I left. God Bless Anderson an Roane Co.