The original plan for the show this week was to talk about the fact that many people seem to be enjoying the panic over the virus. This is a wide-ranging phenomenon that includes people on this side of the great divide. Greg Johnson, for example, thinks the lock downs should continue until forever. Presumably he knows immortality is not in the cards, so he is happy to keep the lock downs in place forever. He’s in good company, as lots of people seem to agree with him and want this to continue.
The lock down camp is not monolithic. Some people are simply enjoying the new lifestyle that has arisen in the last two months. Working at home, home schooling and the simple life has been a revelation to many people. One thing that has been revealed in all of this is that many Americans detest the office life. They hate it with the intensity of a thousand suns. If it means playing along with the virus charade in order to avoid going back to the cubicle farm, they are happy to do it.
There’s also a wing that is genuinely frightened. Here in Lagos, there is a couple that has not been outside since the local tyrant issued the lock down order. They have groceries delivered to them. There have been other deliveries, presumably other supplies they would normally buy at a store. The delivery people leave the items on the porch and when he has retreated to safety, they retrieve the items. Otherwise, they have not been outside in over six weeks now.
Of course, the fear is spread through the media. Something I’ve noticed about the people in the fear camp is they tend to be very left-wing. The couple in hiding are Bernie Bro types. Others are deep into the anti-Trump stuff. This makes some sense as left-wing people tend to be intensely on-line and very trusting of the media. They also have a faith in government that defies reason. They are sure all corporations are evil, but they have a child-like faith in the government.
This is something that normal people are picking up now. Much of what is driving the panic is the anti-Trump lunacy. We forget that these same people were sure that Trump was going to declare himself dictator. They are still sure he is secretly plotting with Boris and Natasha to “undermine our democracy!” Maybe they think the virus is part of the secret plot or some form of divine retribution, but they have conflated their response to Trump with their reaction to the virus.
On this side of the great divide, there is a wing that is driven by their reaction to the people demanding the economy open up. Like all reactionaries, they allow their enemies do all the thinking. If Paul Ramsey is in favor of something, these people will oppose it without giving it much thought. They better hope he does not do a video opposing suicide anytime soon. That is the cost of a negative identity. You put a leash around your neck and hand the other end to those you hate.
Right now, at least, the sum of these various tribes is a majority. Here in Lagos, the local tyrant will end the lock down this weekend. There will be plenty of restrictions, but business can begin to open again. The city and county officials, however, are fighting him and will issue their own orders to continue the lock down. Presumably they are doing this because they think it is popular. For now, at least, most people want to keep the pandemic charade going for the rest of the month.
That’s another element to this. Most people really do think the people in charge will figure out how to pay their bills and keep the food supply going. It really is just a live action role play for them. This is not everyone and maybe no longer a majority, but at some point, reality is going to return to the scene. You cannot shut down the economy like this without real consequences. How will the lock down fans respond when they are suddenly faced with the reality of this thing?
This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Stitcher for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.
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This Week’s Show
- 00:00: Opening (Link)
- 02:00: A Plague Of Bad Information (Link)
- 22:00: The Plague Of Madness (Link) (Link) (Link) (Link) (Link)
- 42:00: The Plague Of Unrest (Link) (Link) (Link) (Link) (Link) (Link)
- 57:00: Closing
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This is the first time I have seen someone besides me raise the problem of the “negative” identity, that folks this side of the divide have been manifesting. This neurotic behavior isn’t limited to the Lockdown debate. It is the underlying cause for the obsession with all things pertaining to the JQ, the single minded pursuit of which by the Altright and its e-personalities, has neutered our ability to organize or function as an effective dissident group.
All effort should be on the development of understanding in common of a “positive” identity for folks who intend to prosper despite the machinations of the enemy against us.
Who are we, what are we, why are we and what are we going to do to stay that way. Answer these questions in good faith and with any explanatory force, and peoples hearts will open to us.
I know this intro is directed in part at Hunter Wallace, and he has been insufferable through the Covid thing, I’ll grant. But my point is more about the broader issue of our lack of common identity or positive worldview.
I highly doubt Z-Man has ever read Occidental Dissent on even a semi-regular basis, but I could definitely be wrong about that. If I’m right, however, Z-Man would have very little first-hand knowledge as to Brad’s obsession with this “pandemic” scare, or of his getting it wrong, start-to-finish. He does get a little second and third-hand knowledge of the fact from a few of his commenters, though. So perhaps you are right that the intro is directed that way specifically and in part.
I stopped reading OD a month ago. Cold turkey. Not because I think it necessarily bad to keep up with the progress of the virus per se, but because obsessing over it and constantly reiterating what a “monster” it is, and cheering on the destruction of the economic system in the process, and blah blah, is its own kind of irrationality and, well, lunacy. There is some real genius in some of his writing, so I’m slow to criticize ol’ “Hunter” too much on this or much anything else. I will say, though, that Brad’s former issues with mental health might not have been the nothing burger he has made them out to be in his writing the last few years.
Three years ago I wrote about positive and negative identity. In fact, I’m probably the guy who popularized the concept.
As far as Hunter Wallace, I can’t say I know much about him.