Have you ever encountered a herd of cracked-addled skeletons roaming past a high school that resembles a maximum security prison? Perhaps you long for the thrill of experiencing a home invasion. Does the prospect of watching a swat team take down drug dealers while you pump gas on a Friday evening give you the chills? Do endless stacks of empty shipping containers dumped from Asia because we’re sending nothing back comfort you about the future of America’s economy? Maybe you’ve got some plasma in your veins that just needs selling right away. A special city awaits you. Fabulous Portsmouth, Virginia! Ah, yes, one of the oldest localities in this thriving nation has much to offer. It should be at the top of the list for your next getaway.
Affectionately dubbed “P-Town” by its residents, this is a municipality staffed by some of the finest public servants ever produced by the Old Dominion. Many Portsmithians look upon their officials with pride, as they serve with a distinction that truly sets them apart from the troglodytes in Anywhere, America. Here’s a pair of case studies in excellence.
After a cordial city council meeting in 2016, the deranged white Sheriff Bill Watson was unjustifiably upset. His budget was being slashed cut because crime had become nonexistent. He followed and then arrested morbidly obese Mayor Kenny Wright for a traffic violation. High on chitlins, Wright belligerently refused the ticket and led him on a low-speed car chase through the thriving metropolis. Of course, the ludicrous charges were summarily dismissed.
Benevolent philanthropist George Soros is so fond of P-Town he funded the campaign of another of its outstanding African Americans. In a sign of progress, the Commonwealth’s Attorney Stephanie Morales released a music video of her family (pitbull included) performing a rap ballad of their own composition, titled “Sundress Season.” Persons bereft of high culture are recommended not to view this video as the editing may induce a seizure. Instead, a synopsis is offered below:
Her man does most of the vocals, sporting a plastic crown while reassuring the audience that he “don’t know how to act—round dat booty crack.” The finale of the video features the noble crime fighter herself poppin’ dat booty, solemnly intoning that “my body match my intellect.” If you were getting worried, then don’t because she’s confident that her “ass is tight.” Abandon your stale, pale misconceptions of the proper deportment of an elected official, because she’s “perfection bonafide.”
Oddly enough, the white population of Portsmouth has plummeted over the years while the crime rate has failed to take on a similar trajectory. Some mysteries are simply inscrutable. One thing is for certain though: a new level of class and sophistication has stepped up to tackle the problem. She’s already put a white cop in prison.
Author’s note: Because the current crisis has dulled my imagination for anything other than sheer terror, I’ve recycled and revamped some pre-great deplatforming material. This is part 1 in a series of 4 on Hampton Roads, Virginia. After this viral madness has finally run its course, you’ll need to take your family on vacation. It’s my contention that a destination which boasts of both beaches and convenience stores fit for the Maginot Line should be on the top of your list.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
According to Neighborhood Scout, Portsmouth isn’t (yet) in the top 100 most dangerous cities in America, but give it time. The latest demographics suggest Portsmouth is roughly 53% black, and 60% non-white. In addition (and unsurprisingly, given the demographics) the crime rate in Portsmouth is edging ever closer to breaking into the top 100, with the chances of one being a victim of violent crime in that city standing currently at 1 in 126 in a thousand. These sorts of statistics are always delayed in their real-time numbers, btw. Not exactly like, but something like nonetheless, the extreme effects of the winter and summer solstices happening two-to-three months after the fact. Same with the (stupid ass!) shuttering of the economy due to COVID-19. Within the next several months we’ll begin to see the real effects of that idiocy.
BTW, Tom, “ass tight,” not “ass is tight.” Just sayin’.
I’ve got to brush up on my ebonics.
Mr. Shackleford:
It does my heart good to know that the producer of that video (and its content, including the beautiful and novel lyric “mutha-fuckin'”) is none other than Perfection Bonafide’s adolescent son, and that Miss Bonafide and her baby daddy support their kids in all their endeavors, which of course is the only reason they agreed to do that video in the first place. Plus, Miss Bonafide exudes a positive body image and talks about she intellec in the video. What’s not to like about that?!