The Trans Fix None Dare Propose

The transsexual community is incredibly small. Under 1% of Americans are trans. The gender fluid or trans poseurs crowd on Tumblr is just the crowd that in 1995 would have been goth. What the trans push is really is an attack on the basic gender assumptions and on mentally persuadable crowds. The goal is destruction of Western civilization norms, and even just peeling off 1-2% of the core West (hetero white) crowd, the system can shrink the challenge group it fears.

Not just them but their direct family. How many people vote for the Left that decreed gays or blacks glorious victim populations solely because they had a family member of that group that could 24/7 play on heartstrings or give them a chance to do the good deed and get the status bump within their family? In 2012, gays rights and free birth control was the rally cry for a chunk of single white women. This targets that elastic voter crowd.

The Left and its system of academia, sinecures and propaganda cannot stop and target kids now. Pharmaceutical firms are making bank providing hormones to thousands of children. There was even a news blurb on a camp for trans kids as young as four years old. The director (Sandra Collins linkedin) declared that her two year old was certain they were trans. A 2 year old. Collins holds a PhD in Japanese history, and taught Japanese subjects for years in academia but is now the executive director of EnGender.

EnGender aims to helps gender diverse kids feel safe with projects like camps. EnGender’s board of trustees is staffed nearly exclusively by women, YALE graduates and researchers that push RULER. RULER is a program to help develop emotional intelligence. This is hocus pocus research that feminizes all kids. They use these camps as laboratories. The local schools use them as summer programs because they are for trans and trans allies. Indirectly, it might be a way for SWPLs to surround their kids with non-violent types in the Bay Area.

That two year old is a ridiculous example but out there a 2 year old barely can walk and talk or use a fork competently. It has no concept it is trans. Mommy is making it so. It becomes a weird religious offering of the child up to the religious authorities, but it may also just be Munchausen by proxy. All that attention and all that care for the child despite nothing being wrong. In a dark manner, trans allows feminists and lesbians to castrate their sons in a progressively approved manner.

All of this, and all of these people push this method of treatment to heal someone because it fits their destructive ends. The nominal Right is too dumb to offer an alternative because they fall into the Left’s framing and fake A/B choice. Fund surgeries and accept it good person or deny it you bigot! Recently, red states have contemplated putting age minimums for irreversible treatment, but have cowardly pulled back from executing on restrictions.

Here is a solution no one considers. Use hormones and therapies they give women to become men to men who feel like women so they become more male. Reverse it with females wishing to become men. Give the testosterone to the men who feel like they are women and give estrogen to the women who have an urge to become men. Try it at least for 18 months and talk therapy works out why they feel those feelings. Align the therapy so their gender expression will match their real chromosomes. Sex change operations were discontinued at Johns Hopkins due to not helping patients for decades. Making born men chemically more male and born women chemically more female might help.

Not done because it conflicts with the progressive narrative of socially constructed genders. Mind over matter. That social construction dies even in their A/B false choice because the right choice involves biological agents. They need the chemicals to make the social construction feel right. Note that the media has switched how they label it from sex change or reassignment to gender confirmation surgery. Physical scientific or medical applications to confirm the mentally constructed emotions and thoughts.

Why are we even hearing about this? Ask why the media covered the tiny little trans friendly day camp in the Bay Area? It is getting media attention like the drag story hour to inspire other good thinkers to copy it and get funds from local schools. They want other whites and aspirational minorities to see what the good deed is for them to do to declare their holiness. The results and outcomes do not matter, only ideology does.

-By Henry Delacroix

One comment

  1. The problem that pops up when messing with sex hormones is that no matter which ones you dope someone up with, the HTPA regulatory axis responds in odd ways. When someone loads up on testosterones without some supporting chemicals to keep it all from converting to estrogen you get bodybuilders turned trannies like that Bruce fellow.

    Or there’s the sinister little discussed thing where increasingly young girls are dosed on artificial female hormones before their body has had experience regulating its own hormones. Hormonal birth control is producing scores of anti-women. Down here in condom country, the girls are much more pleasant in ways. The culture here in far southern Latin America can induce some headaches, but the more pleasant feminine behavior here likely comes down to girls growing up into women on the power of their own hormones.

    Some rather profound environmental changes in the past century have made it difficult for maturation to happen. The world’s gone softer. Kids often grow up without hitting any truly hard problems to grow against. On top of all that, the synthetics estrogen and progesterone getting pissed into the water is almost certainly contributing to the insanity. Consider that California, New York, and other pits of insanity tend to draw their water downstream from other pissers.

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