The Z-Blog Power Hour: Pandemic

I penetrated the infection zone at 0900. For several miles I expected guards or maybe a traffic jam, but instead the road was clear with no signs of activity. In fact, I was not even sure I was in the infected zone until I started to see the abandoned cars. Some of the cars had been set on fire for some reason. It was more abandoned cars and then I started to see the bodies. At first it was a body slumped over in a car. Then it was a corpse in the road and then too many to count.

The road became impassable near what used to be an old roadside stop. A set of stores on one side and a gas station on the other. I stopped and got out of the car to look around. I spotted a big fellow, with blond hair sitting against a wall. He was shirtless and looked like he had been in a fight. He was holding a dove or pigeon. I’m not good with birds, but it was white and the size of a pigeon. Looking around, he appeared to be the only living thing, so I approached him and asked him what had happened.

He looked at me and asked if I liked fries with mayonnaise. It was a bizarre question, but I am familiar with the Dutch, so I understood his meaning straight away. In his final moments, he was thinking of futures past.  After some back and forth, he said to me, “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.”

Ah, what might have been. My trip to Old Blighty was scuttled by the Chinese plague, so instead of doing travelogues this weekend, it is an impromptu podcast. I did not have a lot of time to put it together, so it is a little ragged. I figured since I was not going to be on the road, I had no excuse for skipping this week. It’s weird, but it bugs me when I skip a week for some reason. I feel like I’m shirking my responsibilities. A man should stick to his commitments, no matter how trivial.

Along the same lines, I feel bad for having to cancel the trip. I was looking forward to seeing Mark and his folks. He is one of the better speakers and organizers on this side of the great divide. It’s always a pleasure to see him work. But, I think I made the right call by staying home. This virus is serious and we need to do what we can to limit our social interactions for the time being. Even if the alarmist are half right, we have a very serious public health crisis on our hands.

There’s also the fact that in stressful times, reasonable people need to be reasonable and level headed. I have people counting on me to do the right thing, so setting a good example is important. If everywhere we look the sober minded are taking precautions against infection, the less sober minded will be inclined to follow. If you always assume you are an example to at least one other person in this world, you are always reminded to set a good example.

There’s also the practical issues. It’s pretty clear that the UK government is less prepared for this than the US government. By Sunday Boris Johnson could be locking down the country. We are not only into uncharted territory in terms of the virus, but we have no idea what our ruling class idiots are going to do. All we know at this point is they don’t know what to do. I’m much more concerned about that than the plague, for the simple reason I trust the plague more than our rulers.

That really is the main issue at the moment. In good times, you can have idiots and girts in positions of authority. The last time we had a serious crisis, there were serious men in government, who knew what to do. Whatever you may think about the massive bailout of the banks during the mortgage crisis, it prevented a collapse. This time, I fear we don’t have serious men in the room. We may be about to learn why it is a bad idea to stock government with entertaining nitwits.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. I am now on Deezer, for our European haters and Sticther for the weirdos. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

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This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 02:00: Cancelling Britain
  • 12:00: Panic
  • 22:00: The Reality Of The Virus
  • 31:00: The Financial Impact
  • 41:00: What Shall Be Revealed
  • 51:00: Should We Be worried
  • 57:00: Closing

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