Continuing my experimental phase, the show this week is about ways to talk to our normie friends and family, in a way that leads them our way. I’ve been around civic nationalists recently and I was reminded of conversations I’ve had with others about how tough it is sometimes for dissidents to address the civic nationalist arguments in a way that brings them our way. This week I thought a show on how to talk to normie in a positive way would be interesting.
I was not sure how I wanted to structure it, so I took some of the things that have come up recently in my normie interactions and made those segment topics. Then I just turned the mic on and started talking about each one, as if I was giving a short lecture to a classroom full of civic nationalist. I was thinking of it like a class on dissident politics for freshmen level students. I wanted it to be accessible to the sorts of people who don’t spend any time on this side of the great divide.
The key thing with talking to our normie friends, family and acquaintances is to not become adversarial. The huge blunder our side makes on social media is to mock these people as if they are enemies. A little bit of that is fine, but fifty people blasting a civic nationalist on Twitter is not winning him over. It’s only hardening his position and making it easier for the gatekeepers to keep him inside. These people are future allies and compatriots, not forever enemies of the cause.
Effective organizing is building lots of on-ramps to this side of the great divide, to make it easier for all sorts of people to come this way. Language that will work on the 2A civic nationalist will not necessarily work on the spergy libertarian. The Sean Hannity watching patriot is going to respond to different rhetoric than the Tucker watching Donald Trump supporter. Dissident politics needs to be like a department store, with something for all the types of white people out there.
This inability to build on ramps is why prior race realists have always failed to gain any traction. They struck people as lunatics. They had one on ramp. You had to pay the lunatic a toll in order to cross over. The now defunct alt-right suffered from the same defect, as it became loaded down with insider jargon and factionalism. All the ways into it were narrow and went passed people that most people would find odd. It’s why they could never break out of their subculture.
It is the heart of the optics debate. If dissident ideas are to gain traction with typical white people, it has to creep up on them like the fog. One day, they just find themselves on this side of the divide, without realizing they made the journey. That happens by having lots of ways here and lots of pleasant sounding people they can trust, subtly pointing them in this direction. That can only work if there are lots of doors through which they can pass into this type of politics.
This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.
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This Week’s Show
- 00:00: Opening
- 05:00: Hate Speech
- 15:00: Public – Private Tyranny
- 25:00: Who Owns You?
- 35:00: Peaceful Separation
- 45:00: The Value Of Citizenship
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Full Show On Spreaker
Full Show On YouTube

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>> Dissident politics needs to be like a department store, with something for all the types of white people out there.
Red-pilling is a slow process. We often forget what it was like the first time we seriously bumped into the J.Q. and our lifetime of Hollywood mental conditioning kicked in. Then the second time… Then enough times that it became impossible to deny.
Do that _gently_ with your Normie-Con friends and family. Slowly. Bite-size. Palatable.
The main reason prior race realists “struck people as lunatics ” was that the narrative from the (((msm))) monopoly and bought and paid for politicians exploited their unique standing, power, and prestige to do so.
In the present era, you’re correct about pile driving on normies. That being said, I don’t ever to expect more than a trickle to look behind the curtain out of ego and fear. They don’t want to go through the five stages of loss and grief or admit that they were hoodwinked.
I’ve long described the process, or at least the role I’m more apt than not to play in it, as “planting seeds.” It’s a lot like educating children, but the obvious difference is that children have more or less empty or uncluttered heads that may be filled with good or bad information; whereas adults, and especially older adults, generally have their heads full of a lot of trash, so planting seeds in the fertile soil of their minds always runs the greater risk (relative to the kiddos) of being choked out by the tares. This is something that can’t be avoided, so there’s not much sense in fretting over it.
Nevertheless, planting little seeds of knowledge (and/or of doubt about their preconceptions and notions) is the surest way I have personally found of having success in these areas. Try to unload the whole kit and kaboodle in one fell swoop and watch MEGO set in quick, fast and in a hurry when their defenses don’t otherwise kick into hyper overdrive.
The scripture teaches that the process works something like this – one plants, another waters, yet another tills and hoes and so forth, and that it is He who gives the increase in due course. Do your part when you can, but also trust the process. There are very rarely (granting for extreme exceptions to the rule) overnight conversions, and the chances of your witnessing one are about as good as winning the lottery. It all takes time, but one day at least a few of those seeds so carefully selected and placed will grow into mature fruit-bearing plants and trees.
One thing to always remember is that genuine conversions are almost never, if ever, the work of one person.
Well said.