The Z-Blog Power Hour: The Forecast Podcast

This is the first show of the year. One day, maybe 365 days from now, we will look back on this with 2020 hindsight. This is the where the crowd starts to groan. Anyway, I’m happy to see the holidays end. It has been a weird few weeks with Christmas falling on a Wednesday this year. It was like having two five-day weekends in a row. Since not everyone took the same half of the week off, it was just two strange weeks. I’m looking forward to getting back to the normal routine starting next week.

My original plan for this week was to do a deep dive on a longer subject, but I got going on the book project and that took up most of my spare time. I’ve mentioned this before, but instead of just taking a bunch of posts and creating a book of greatest hits, I’m producing all new material. I’m also trying my hand at longer form writing. I’ve never done long essays, as I don’t think they work very well in the blog format. Blog readers want short column-length stuff they can consume quickly.

The thing with long form writing, at least in my opinion, is it has to be consumable in smaller bites. The modern audience has a shorter attention span and they expect a payoff within a thousand words or so. That means long form writing needs to be more like an assembly of short essays that are tightly connected. That way, the typical reader can consume some of it, put it aside and then easily pick up where he left off at some later point in the day. Otherwise, they will quit and never come back.

Obviously, a big part of this is due to the internet. In a world where people are communicating via short text messages on their mobile or on a social media platform, no one should be verbose. I think it is also due to being bombarded with media. All around us we are inundated with messages from ad makers, the clerisy and the state. All of it is designed to trick us into thinking the right thoughts. As a result, getting to the point without a lot of artifice is what people prize in writing.

Anyway, I’ve finally settled on how I want to do longer form stuff, so I invested time in the project over the holidays. I had a head of steam going, so I did not want to stop to do a deep-dive type of podcast. I was going to skip the show entirely, but then someone suggested I should have done a podcast on the predictions stuff. That made a lot of sense, so that’s what I have this week. Too bad I don’t do video, as I could have dressed up as a fortune teller for this episode.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

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This Week’s Show


  • 00:00: Opening
  • 05:00:The Primaries
  • 18:00: I Disavow RamZPaul
  • 26:00: Conservative Inc.
  • 29:00: Impeachment
  • 37:00: The Barr Stuff
  • 43:00 Virginia Guns
  • 47:00 Orange Man Is The New Black Pill
  • 54:00 The Economy
  • 55:00 Political Violence
  • 56:00 The Middle East
  • 57:00: Closing

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Full Show On YouTube

One comment

  1. The thing with long form writing, at least in my opinion, is it has to be consumable in smaller bites. The modern audience has a shorter attention span and they expect a payoff within a thousand words or so. That means long form writing needs to be more like an assembly of short essays that are tightly connected. That way, the typical reader can consume some of it, put it aside and then easily pick up where he left off at some later point in the day. Otherwise, they will quit and never come back.

    That’s smart. You musta been in the first World War. (little Biloxi Blues reference there)

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