The End is Nigh

If you are keeping tabs on current events, you know the final push is being made to fully remove anyone who espouses or holds views not supported by the mainstream media, “woke” capitalism, and Far Left activists. Mass censorship is occurring throughout social media. If you have an anonymous account and are shitposting or spreading rightwing memes and information, you’re on borrowed time. The elite can no longer allow the information to flow freely to the public.

Back in 2013, I first began to figure out all was not right in the neighborhood, that something big was coming. And, now after six years the biggest pieces of that puzzle are finally being put into place to complete it. If you are on the Dissident Right or Far Right, you probably are already aware of what we are going to be discussing here today. This article isn’t for you. This is for those who still don’t get it.

In 2016, I made my first real foray into dissident politics in earnest. I began maturing from a normie conservative to a rightwing dissident. I was poached, and subsequently invited, into a social media group known as “Allied Nationalists.” I was spotted through my comments and posts I made in another group, an anti-SJW group, during the lead up to the Trump election. Allied Nationalists is no more, but through it, I discovered Identity Dixie. 

The mission of Allied Nationalists, as its name implied, was to unite nationalists from all facets of the rightwing spectrum and form them into one solid core in order to pushback against the Left. During the group’s heyday, it boasted nearly a 1,000 active members. The deck is stacked against us, so the thinking was to gather all those opposed to our common ideological adversary.

Why do I bring this up? What relevancy does this hold to the here and now? It is my personal belief such a spirit needs to be revived again in order to survive this massive censorship (“Cancel Culture”) from the Left and their lapdog corporations.

I remember the days when the internet first started becoming the big monster it is today. The early days of the internet saw relative isolation among various groups. It allowed for unrestrained growth (speaking the truth tends to do that). It was the “Wild West” of communicating “taboo” subjects in a world infected with iron fisted political correctness. Now though? Anyone who holds even moderately rightwing views is cut off and isolated (by design). Those with a powerful and honest message become ineffective and their reach reduced.

Already, the “Powers That Be” are continuing to meet with leftwing tech monopolies, such as YouTube, Facebook, and Google in a continued effort to stomp out dissent. You should already be familiar with how many of these “politicians and elected officials” (bureaucrats) have ties to the MSM (which by the most strangest and odd coincidences happen to be major donors to their political campaigns).

The crisis which we are all presented with right now is not about any one specific rightwing ideology, no matter how tame. This is about ALL of us. This is the setup now: ban, deplatform, marginalize, and then, complete and lifetime purge. Already, various steps and efforts have been taken to accomplish these goals. We were silenced through shadow banning and outright banning – and, the deplatforming is coming with full force. Surviving a deplatforming is very difficult, most just fade into obscurity after the hammer falls.

Thankfully, there are places like Bitchute and Minds which, for now, offer a port in the storm. However, the question that needs to be asked is – for how long? This is a relevant question because companies like Bank of America have shown they are willing to work with the censorship campaign, such as when they closed accounts and denied services to gun companies. They have done so in other cases, such as Pastor Anderson. His channel is worth following, while it still exists. Other companies, such as Paypal, have also ceased to provide a service to certain dissidents.

This is massive hive mind behavior that ultimately leads to one startling end game – gulags. If you’re willing to ban speech, ban banking services, ban purchases, ban online association, deplatform websites, skirt around the First Amendment with “muh Terms of Service,” implement inhuman algorithms to combat human nature, and ally with wild-eyed anarcho-communists – then, “camps” for dissidents isn’t hyperbole. Leftists and minorities consistently Tweet or post about conservatives, traditionalists, and nationalists getting “the wall” (as in, getting lined up against a wall). Liberals either deny white genocide in South Africa or implicitly support it because of apartheid.

This is standard fare.

If you think it can’t happen here, you’re not paying attention. Censorship comes first, something far more concerning comes next.

Deo Vindice.

God bless you and God bless Dixie. 


  1. Destroying monuments and symbols of the past is always followed by killing people because the people are living monuments to the past. It will get worse, much worse if history is any indication.

    Total media ban is inevitable. We’ll have to share memes person to person.

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