Watching the kids savage the shills of TP-USA this week, put me in the mood to lash out at the libertarians. It is easy to forget that what is currently called the conservative movement is really just left-libertarianism. On the one hand, it is shilling for global business, open borders and post-nationalism. On the other hand, it is the left-wing war on western culture. Other than some vestigial references to religion and traditional values, there’s no difference between conservatism and libertarianism now.
I know a lot of old school libertarians think that their thing has been hijacked by infidels and that real libertarianism can be compatible with the dissident right. The trouble with that is they need to explain how their thing was so easily taken over by the left-wing degenerates that now dominate the racket. Again, the same critique applies here as to Buckley-style conservatism. The reason these 20th century responses to the Left failed is they all contained a fatal flaw that allowed them to be co-opted.
Now, there is a case to be made that the undoing of libertarianism was its associating with Buckley-style politics. The great paleo thinker Sam Francis observed that the Buckleyites would inevitably be absorbed into the managerial state, as they were engaging in politics on Progressive terms. In order to gain a place on stage, they were forced to accept the basic premise of Progressive politics. That is, they had to embrace the blank slate and egalitarianism. That could only lead one way.
Perhaps that is so, but it does not change the fact that libertarianism is now one of the heads of the monster. You see that in their response to dissident politics. They immediately drop the mask and begin howling left-wing talking points. The response from them to the groyper rebellion is a perfect example. You see the same hysterics and name calling that you see from the Left. It is a good reminder that these people are just part of the candy coating of the Progressive nut inside.
This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.
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This Week’s Show
- 00:00: Opening
- 05:00: Community Last (Link)
- 15:00: Callous Bastards (Link)
- 25:00: Sacrificing To Baal (Link)
- 35:00: Fantasy Land (Link)
- 45:00: Unreliable Liars (Link) (Link)
- 55:00: Closing
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Libertarianism is the purest form of liberalism, and that is why it is so easy for us Traditionalists to hate libertarians so much. It is very funny too because I myself have been accused in the past, by a self-professed “not a pure libertarian, but close to it,” libertarian of being a liberal because I insisted in an argument between us that certain people and their ideologies “must be controlled.” Homosexuals, for example, must be controlled, I argued, and argue. Why? Well, because, sexual deviants that they are, they have no capability, or even impulse, of exercising self-restraint in their deviant sexual impulses. Hence, we must put them down. Hard! Totalitarian, Nazi, Fascist? Yep. What of it?!