The Z-Blog Power Hour: Autumn World Tour

Every once in a while, I like to do a show on world events, not so much because those events are interesting, but because they are illuminating. We tend to get wrapped up in our politics and lose perspective on things. It’s only natural. We care about the stuff close to home, so we get emotionally evolved. Events abroad, however, have no emotional resonance, so we can look at them with a clear eye. That means we can see the salient points, without all the emotional baggage.

The Brexit story is probably the best example of this. Talk to a Brit and they have strong opinions about what is going on with their government. Those opinions run counter to what you see from their news, which is something all of us can understand. For most Brits leaving the EU is a symbolic issue. It is not about the facts of leaving the EU so much as what it would represent in the culture war. Like the battle of immigration in the US, each side of Brexit has emotional reasons for their position.

The self-abnegating side wants to remain so they can disappear into the nothingness of Europe, but most important, stick it to the other side. Like all leftist politics, it is just a pose. For the other side, it is about regaining their national identity. The trouble is, none of that really matters. What Brexit is really about is the rotten ruling class of Britain. These people hate the people over whom they rule and they take pleasure in defying them. The people stalling Brexit are doing it mostly out of spite.

From an American perspective, this is blazingly obvious. We look at a Jeremy Corbyn and wonder how such a grotesque character came to lead one of the parties. More important, how is it that he can walk around promising to sell out his fellow people, as if he is the head of a foreign army. Further, how can the Tories tolerate people in the party who are actively and unashamedly trying to subvert their party? From the perspective of an outsider, this whole Brexit show says England needs a rebellion, not Brexit.

Of course, this is true on America, maybe more so. It’s when you look at something like the Brexit story that you start to think about what is happening in America with the same detached perspective. To Europeans, what is going on in the Imperial Capital with our rulers looks like madness. There’s also the added fact that our rulers have control of the world’s most potent military and a nuclear arsenal. If you can imagine Jeremy Corbyn with a nuke, you know how the world feels about America right now.

This week I have the usual variety of items in the now standard format. Spreaker has the full show. I am up on Google Play now, so the Android commies can take me along when out disrespecting the country. I am on iTunes, which means the Apple Nazis can listen to me on their Hitler phones. The anarchists can catch me on iHeart Radio. YouTube also has the full podcast. Of course, there is a download link below.

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This Week’s Show


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