By 1860 the South was an altogether separate nation from the North. The Civil War occurred for exactly the same reason the Revolutionary War occurred: those two peoples did not belong under the same government.
Only a tiny percentage of Southerners owned slaves, but Southerners insisted that as many western states as possible be slave states. The reason for that had nothing to do with their wanting to settle the west with their own slaves. Southerners identified the slave-holding states as THEIR nation.
By exactly the same token, Northerners, who couldn’t care less about slaves, considered the free states as the expansion of THEIR nation. There were two nations existing under the same government, and the situation was untenable.
In 1776 the question was whether the British Empire would crush the Americans and truly make them part of the British nation. In 1861 the question was whether the North would crush the South and make it a part of the Yankee Nation.
The Deep South had seceded before Fort Sumter was fired on. Once the war began, the Upper South and Texas seceded. They seceded because the two nations were now at war, and their nation was the South. There was a plebiscite in Tennessee and the population there voted three to one to join the Southern Nation. The percentage of slave owners in this overwhelming majority was minuscule.
They voted the way they did because they identified themselves with the Southern Nation.
General Grant made it clear that he was fighting for his nation, not against slavery.
Grant said, “If I thought this war was being fought to abolish slavery, I would offer my sword to the other side.”
-By Bob Whitaker

While true, it does no good to keep explaining this to people for 150 years when each generation is taught the yankee lie in class. Its impossible to reprogram them all after being brainwashing their entire lives. We must take a proactive stance, one that does not call their lie out but one that directly targets the lie tellers themsleves. Once we finally get organized enough say what you just said in real terms, that we are a unique culture, race and people on this earth, define excatly who those people are and close the books on just anyone being able to move here through our borders that are forced open and then claiming to be one of us, then we can begin to use the tactics against them that they employ against us, which we have been reluctant to do for some reason. When a yankee teacher slanders us with lies and character assassination, then we should labels him a racist and all of his motives as racist. When they are invading our lands and erasing our culture and monuments, its because they are vile racists. Everything they do is racist, we have to say it. Our reluctance to hoist the black flag and fight them on their own terms will lead us all to our graves if we continue to act as if they have honor and naively pretend that one day they will just go away and leave us alone, they will never do such a thing, thats not how racists think after all. We must use the Federal Government against them as much as they use it against us. We must fight fire with fire, because we stupidly believe we can save this sinking ship that is the United States and refrain from doing it will only mean we will be completely weakened and therefore destroyed when it finally does die its well earned death. You must hoist the black flag and rob these hate filled racists of their ability to paint themselves as righteous. We must organize.
All your heroes are dead racists. They lost. More than once. They weren’t American anything, they were Traitors. That’s what seceding from the Union was. Treason.
Why you choose to venerate traitors who lost their war will never make sense to anyone with two actual brain cells to rub together.
It looks like someone got their feelings hurt lol. We won by the way, we exsist, intact, those people who chose to fall on their knees, grovel and lick the boots to false kings because they lacked the manhood to stand, are no longer a people at all, we call them yankees, but really they are nothing, a faceless, hollowed out horde, like a bunch of feral pigs, not an actual people, no more than any other livestock are. They are not a people, a race, a nationality, you have no God, you have no home, no shared history, you produce no culture, other than what you try to steal from better men and then laughingly call “diversity”, you have no anything at all.
The only shared characteristic common across you is your willingness to break the sound barrier falling to your knees, your servile lack of manhood is the only commonality you have at all. I sometimes wonder why God gave you anything from the knees down, its not like you need it, born on your knees, live on your knees and then die on your knees in whatever nameless shithole your masters send you and your children to in order to fetch things they want, like a dog. Your jealousy and hatred of men better than yourselves, does not a culture make, clown.
It looks like someone got their feelings hurt lol. We won by the way, we exsist, intact, those people who chose to fall on their knees, grovel and lick the boots to false kings because they lacked the manhood to stand, are no longer a people at all, we call them yankees, but really they are nothing, a faceless, hollowed out horde, like a bunch of feral pigs, not an actual people, no more than any other livestock are. They are not a people, a race, a nationality, you have no God, you have no home, no shared history, you produce no culture, other than what you try to steal from better men and then laughingly call “diversity”, you have no anything at all.
The only shared characteristic common across you is your willingness to break the sound barrier falling to your knees, your servile lack of manhood is the only commonality you have at all. I sometimes wonder why God gave you anything from the knees down, its not like you need it, born on your knees, live on your knees and then die on your knees in whatever nameless shithole your masters send you and your children to in order to fetch things they want, like a dog. Your jealousy and hatred of men better than yourselves, does not a culture make, clown.
Ma’am if you keep rubbing brain cells together they will not last very long.
Long live the South.