The Just Cause

There is no greater love than one who sacrifices himself for his Nation.  Our Nation is the South.  Our People are the Southern People.

The men and women who volunteer their time to contribute to Identity Dixie do so out of love.  They do so to preserve the traditions, values, and culture of a unique Nation.  This Nation is firmly established upon Biblical teachings and Anglo-Saxon societal norms.  This is a Christian Nation. This Nation is one in which the blood that courses through the veins of our kith and kin remind us of sacrifices made by great men before them.

Identity Dixie advocates for our people, those who are under assault by nearly every facet of elitist society and their Leftist foot soldiers. 

We are not paid to write content.  We do not monetize our podcasts.  We do not draw funds from the social media content that we generate.  This is not a business concern predicated on manipulating emotions to make millions of dollars, like bloated, leftist NGOs.  We exist for the love of our people; they exist for profit.  Like sick, pathetic mercenaries for their Washington masters, they fall upon their knees and collect the shekels tossed upon the ground by their superiors.  Their lives are meaningless.  They fight for money and self-aggrandizement. 

Identity Dixie moves forward for a cause bigger than ourselves.

The countless hours spent editing the written word or electronic transcripts are more than some can bear.  Most people would rather sit around watching Netflix or go fishing.  For so many, their professional comfort is not worth the potential sacrifice.  The research and man hours dedicated to saving our society… the assemblies and mutual assistance of our brothers and sisters… the prayers and the comfort provided toward one another is more than anything the meaningless lives of paid sycophants and sociopaths will ever know.

Identity Dixie is not an organization.  Identity Dixie is not a movement.  Identity Dixie is a brotherhood, firmed by common cause and shared sacrifices.

Know that our cause is the Just Cause.  We do not advocate violence.  We advocate truth.  We advocate traditional Christian values.  We advocate a love of Euro-American culture and norms.  We advocate for a Southern society that understood boundaries across sectional lines which existed for centuries until the 1960s.  We advocate for law and order.  We advocate for Constitutional principles that once existed at the foundation of the United States and written by Southern men.  We advocate for the traditional family.  We advocate for the home.  We advocate for the perpetuation of our Nation.

Theirs is an unjust cause.  They advocate violence.  They meddle with the truth.  They advocate the eradication of traditional Christian values.  They advocate the elimination of Euro-American culture and norms.  They seek to destroy Southern society.  They advocate for a selective application of the law.  They advocate for the elimination of the Constitution and more importantly, its principles.  They advocate for the dismantlement of the traditional family.  They advocate the obliteration of property rights.  They advocate the end of our Nation.

While we press for all that is righteous, they pull for the opposite- transgenderism, homosexuality, inverted racial divisions, and the destruction of Christian virtue.  While we call for Freedoms of Faith, Speech, and Peaceful General Assembly, they label traditional churches “hate groups,” they fight to silence those who disagree with them, and they blatantly disregard the right of true conservatives to assemble with violent assaults on our peace.   While we argue for the application of law as it is written and passed by representative bodies, they weaponize our court systems and break down the very laws that we hold dear through the use of judicial shopping and lawfare. 

They – the Establishment in its entirety – from the indistinguishable Republican and Democratic leadership to their modern janissaries comprised of cat ladies, self-emulating eunuchs, psychologically unstable academics, and the Keyboard Kommandos of the Kommissariat, target us because we are the last barrier for our people – our Nation.

Jesus Christ warned us these days were coming. 

“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours. But all these things they will do to you on account of my name, because they do not know Him who sent me.” (John 15: 18-21 ESV)

They hate us because we love God.  They hate us because we maintain Biblical truths.  They hate us because we are Christians.  They hate us because we love our Nation.

Ours is a just cause.  Theirs is not.

We will win because we have God on our side; they do not have God and therefore, they cannot win.

One comment

  1. Excellent article. We will indeed win, because God’s purposes will not fail. Thanks to ID for all you do

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