At an upscale American park a woman recently relayed the following impression of her July 3rd afternoon:
“There is a dad at the park going through the trash to give his 3 kids toys to play with such as empty water bottles. The only white American family here—I am aghast. He said, “The only toys here are in the garbage. Do you want a water bottle?” to his two-year-old boy. He has a Pringles can. He had the kids wash hands before giving them snacks. He is looking after his kids really well.”
Societal ugliness viewed through the eyes of a biological beauty, is too much for this whore of a writer to pass up relating and collating.
America is finally getting back to its roots, the roots of Plantation America, where European elites used non-European warriors to keep their own paleface slaves in line and also used African slaves to displace freed European slaves. The only avenue resembling liberty left to these freed European slaves was to battle their Plantation guards, the Indian slave-hunters, very often on behalf of their former slave masters. The class structure of “white” Plantation America was Anglo-Saxon over Gaelic and also over the bulk of Anglo-Saxons, who were unfree. An exceptional president, Scots-Irish Andrew Jackson, led a reactionary movement against the Anglo Elite-Indian alliance over the poor whites and faced off against international banking, a sin for which he will soon be removed from the 20-dollar bill.
The “white” underclass would thereafter spend 130 years expanding the rule of the Anglo-elite international banking structure through the slaughter of other races and then ultimately the slaughter of other races of European Descent.
Just after this period another non-Anglo president was elected, JFK, and was promptly murdered by the Anglo-Elite. The next non-Anglo president, Barack Obama, was selected to globalize America, to dissolve its false sense of nationality in a very formal manner, and he did his masters’ bidding with a stale elegance. It is time for American palefaces at the End of Caucasian Time to realize that America was the birthplace of the idea of the “Whiteman” as a post-Christian mercantile race of European origin. The only purpose of the “Whiteman,” this lethal golem of lax distinction, was to end ethno-nationalism and impose supra-national banking as the overarching ideology of humanity. Once achieved, this beast, having slain more enemies for its soulless masters over a mere 200 years than all other warrior societies across the vast span of human history, must be placed in a moral cage and reduced to infamy.
For those few palefaces who have survived the predetermined age of their extinction with their third eye open, the only way forward with agency is with clear knowledge that the system no longer has a use for them other than as war-puppets or self-hating ideologues.
Are you a self-hating ideologue or a war-puppet, a hipster ghost person or a ZOG man-hunter?
If not, where do you stand in the sights of the vile machine that used your forefathers and is discarding you?
The tells are simple.
If people hate you because of what you do, then you have system sanction, sanction that is always limited. Such people as business managers, police, BLM and Antifa terrorists and also criminals of non-European ethnicities are hated by others for what they do—not what they are or what they believe—and protected by government in the main and only occasionally scapegoated, as documented in my dozens of Harm City books.
If people hate you because of what you think and believe, then the system sees you as the enemy and the mind-fucked antibodies of orthodoxy will seek to purge you from the body economic in rabid wise, just as their ideological puritan ancestors, Increase and Cotton Mather purged witches in Salem and burned Heathens alive in their time, a mere generation before their idea of Christian gave way to our idea of the Whiteman.
Not coincidentally, the End of Caucasian Time, this age when nothing says evil and inequity like “Whiteman” is also The End of Masculine Time, as the races that have shown more masculine agency by conquering more nations outside of their ethnic sphere on behalf of their Supra-National puppeteers, must be neutered and reduced in number and moral stature lest they turn on their masters like the Roman legions, Mamelukes, Janissaries and other warrior slaves of past ages have turned upon past masters in a last ditch bid for human action in the face of systemic reduction.
I am rejoicing on this birthday of the identity-erasing machine that enslaved, slew, twisted and corrupted my forefathers, because when something great and evil dies there in its death throes hope lies. Under the God of Things

James is a full-time writer, part-time coach and part-time wage slave with an extensive history of brain trauma. Check out:
Wow, if fear mongering had a name it would be James LaFond.
Mrs. Kay Coles James would very much disagree with your, sir. In her (very correct, I’m sure – she is, after all, a self-described “student of history,” albeit not a very observant one, best I can tell) interpretation of our history of national independence, Americans had to “grow into” what our founders envisioned we one day “could be.” We’re of course not quite there yet, in her estimation, but we have made great strides forward, having fought a war between ourselves to eradicate slavery and other of our sordid injustices, like denying women and babies the right to vote and to own property, and that sort of thing. I’ll provide the link to her screed below, but I forewarn anyone who decides to follow it to donn the hip waders before diving in because the bullshit gets deep, quick fast and in a hurry, and it doesn’t shallow throughout the “piece.”:
Fear mongering? Negro please. The man is merely describing what is now happening all around you. He is able to tie current events together with the conditions and lives of palefaces past in a way few are able to do. The truth is often a painful thing to behold.
You must be a “leftist,” Mr. LaFond. Why do I say that, and what is my evidence, some might be asking. Well, let me cite an authority on the matter, one Mrs. Kay Coles James, who, in her July 4th syndicated article, “A Nation Worth Lauding,” takes the “America is irreparably flawed” crowd to task. To wit:
Not that Mrs. Coles-James is herself one of the wealthy or well-connected, but anyway.
If anyone is wondering what success Mrs. James is referring to in the opening line of that quotation, she describes it for us in the lines immediately preceding thusly, and in short:
“We’ve built a free and prosperous nation where anyone has the opportunity to thrive and live out their dreams. We’ve also shared that gift with the world, helping others to achieve the same.”
Well, anyway, be that as it may and all that, the question still lingers as to why I say above that Mr. LaFond must be a leftist. As it happens, our authority on the matter also puts an ideological name to the “America is irreparably flawed crowd” she describes above further down her article. Here is the money quote:
(bold mine)
We may further glean from Mrs. James’s article that a “leftist” is someone, anyone, who disagrees, either in whole or in part, with her mixed up “conservative,” “patriotic” view of American imperialism (wait, what!?); a leftist, by her authoritative definition, is someone who reads the same history Mrs. James apparently does, yet comes to other than her conclusions that overthrow of the Constitution and legitimate government on this continent by way of a mercenary and total war against her better half, was and is a wonderful thing, and something (the thing) to celebrate. I therefore conclude that Mr. LaFond is a leftist. Indeed, we are all leftists here. Need we anymore proof?